On 4/29/13 7:43 PM, Gerardo Santana Gómez Garrido wrote:
This release was tested successfully with puppet 3.
If I understand correctly this should be compatible with puppet 3 so you
may want to update your Requirements as it says it's 2.7.11 only. Thank
for the work I'll be checking this out to
This example *may* be able to get me though this:
file{"/tmp/file1": content=>"file1"} ~> exec{ "/bin/false": refreshonly =>
true, notify => Exec["file2"]} -> exec {"file2": command => "touch
/tmp/file2", refreshonly => true }
of course I'll have to create the file though the file2 exec inste
>> Except my resource is a File and not an Exec. refreshonly is invalid
>> for a File afik. Are there alternatives you may suggest to
>> accomplish the same?
> I believe this is http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/5876 in action :(
Bummer! Especially since I added a me-too to that
Except my resource is a File and not an Exec. refreshonly is invalid for a File
afik. Are there alternatives you may suggest to accomplish the same?
> You want "refreshonly => true" on file2, as well.
> On Nov 7, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Chris Hirsch wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out if my expectations are correct for this class.
Basically I'd like to have file1 created and then run an exec. If that exec
should fail file2 should NOT be created.
Currently as you can see from the below output, the refresh failed yet file2
was still created.
Hey all,
Are there any patterns or recommendations on uninstalling or downgrading
a puppet module (read as software) on a node?
An example would be that we're running with =>latest or a specific
version of rpms and have decided that there is a bug or problem with the
software and that we we
Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out if I can serve a certain template that matches
a hostname or serve the default like I could if this was just a file.
file { '/etc/yum.conf':
ensure => file,
source => ["puppet://puppet/yum/yum.conf.$hostname",
Hi all,
I'm trying to promote module re-use so that if I have a module that deals
with ldap and I have setup variables in a common configuration and I want to
access those same defaulted variables from another module I can easily do
Below is how I'm *attempting* to do this and in MY opinion I