Hi all,

I'm trying to promote module re-use so that if I have a module that deals
with ldap and I have setup variables in a common configuration and I want to
access those same defaulted variables from another module I can easily do

Below is how I'm *attempting* to do this and in MY opinion I think it should
work ;-) Puppet feels differently and in my node where I include the class
rep I get an error back from puppet saying that it could not find the value
for ldap_cname in my template.

I believe this should work because the rep module includes the config which
includes the ldap::variables_common which should then define $ldap_cname and
the file /etc/rep.xml requires  ldap::variables_common before the template.

Can anybody kindly show me the error of my ways?


-- Examples Modules Below --

class ldap {

class ldap::variables_common {
   if( !$ldap_cname) {

In file modules/rep/manifests/init.pp
class rep {
   include config

class rep::config {
   include ldap::variables_common

file {
     ensure => file,
     require => Class["ldap::variables_common"],
     content => template("rep/test_template.xml.erb");

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <test_template cname='<%= ldap_cname %> />

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