[Puppet Users] Re: Trying to manage proper replication for PostgreSQL with Puppet

2016-03-05 Thread Byron Miller
The current postgres module doesn't implement replication by default. I use the module to build up the DB and get everything going, but the log shipping is setup manually since the failover would be manual. Postgres/mysql are moving towards handling this better internally so the issue may be

[Puppet Users] Re: puppet agent 3.0.2-1 on EL7 install error

2015-11-21 Thread Byron Miller
I believe you need at least 3.5 to support systemd.. i think we went with 3.6 at the time. On Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 5:07:55 AM UTC-6, Stefan Heijmans wrote: > > Hi, > Is this a correct version? > The release notes show support from version 3.5 > > > http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3.5/

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Advice on Puppet update to 4

2015-07-25 Thread Byron Miller
Foreman doesn't support puppet 4.x yet. Lots of open tickets :) On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 7:11:08 AM UTC-5, Dirk Heinrichs wrote: > > Am 24.07.2015 um 12:59 schrieb Felix Frank: > > If you need a good ENC, look at Foreman. If you need reporting, look at > puppetboard or Puppet Explorer. > >

[Puppet Users] Re: rpm installation ordering question and yum repos

2015-07-25 Thread Byron Miller
I use the "Run stage" pattern for this.. and it is perfect for this use case.. (one of the few times its recommended) https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_run_stages.html -byron On Friday, July 24, 2015 at 11:30:34 AM UTC-5, Vince Skahan wrote: > > Like many sites, we have

[Puppet Users] Re: Cannot update Puppet 3.7.5 to 3.8.1 on Windows

2015-07-17 Thread Byron Miller
My windows team mentioned the same issue of not being able to upgrade the agent because of a ruby issue.. I haven't had much time yet to go jump in and help them, but this sounds exactly like what they reported. Bummer.. I think i'll move them to the PC1 agent and Puppet 4.2 since they're mor

[Puppet Users] Re: Performance Monitoring of Puppet Server?

2015-07-14 Thread Byron Miller
New puppet server runs in JVM, so any JVM monitoring works really well. I personally use NewRelic and love it. On Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 3:25:47 AM UTC-5, Stefan Dietrich wrote: > > Hi, > > we are currently preparing to migrate our Puppet Master from the > Apache/Passenger stack to Puppet S

[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: PuppetDB 3.0 has been released!

2015-07-10 Thread Byron Miller
Awesome news! Especially love the full data available in DB and native failover support, my hacky standby mode can finally DIAF :) On Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 6:16:30 PM UTC-5, Wyatt Alt wrote: > > PuppetDB 3.0.0 - July 9, 2015 > > PuppetDB 3.0.0 Downloads > > > > Avail

Re: [Puppet Users] PuppetDB Sizing

2015-07-07 Thread Byron Miller
I use the write/read configuration built into PuppetDB and point the interfaces to VIPs behind a netscaler.. Netscaler load balances to the puppetDB instances and they're all setup so that writes happen to the primary DB node and reads can happen on the VIP for the slave nodes. The slave node

[Puppet Users] Re: Visual Studio Code Released for Windows, OSX, and Linux

2015-05-01 Thread Byron Miller
You got my vote! :) Exciting times to see stuff like this from MS! On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 11:03:22 AM UTC-5, Rob Reynolds wrote: > > For those paying attention, > > Yesterday Microsoft released Visual Studio Code, which is built on top of > Electron (what Atom Editor is built on). > > One

[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Puppet 4 available!

2015-04-15 Thread Byron Miller
Congrats on delivering Puppet 4.0! Looking forward to giving all the new stuff a spin! On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 1:41:08 PM UTC-5, Eric Sorenson wrote: > > I'm super excited to announce the availability of Puppet 4. It's the first > major version of Puppet in almost 2 years, and there are

[Puppet Users] Re: Implement Puppet Master into our productive environment

2015-03-06 Thread Byron Miller
Foreman allows for multiple masters, its pretty simple - install a puppet master and foreman-proxy. The default install of foreman with passenger will handle hundreds of nodes on an average sized VM/server. On Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 6:24:55 PM UTC-6, hoize wrote: > > Hello! > > Tthe last mo

[Puppet Users] Re: Dallas Fort-Worth Puppet User Group

2015-02-27 Thread Byron Miller
If you need any help/tips/advice hit me up, we've had great luck with out Austin pug! On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 2:33:16 AM UTC-6, Brad Christian wrote: > > Hi, I've started the DFWPUG. Please go to > http://www.meetup.com/Dallas-Fort-Worth-Puppet-User-Group >

[Puppet Users] Austin Puppet Users Group - looking for speakers - 2nd Tuesday of each month

2015-01-19 Thread Byron Miller
We're looking for people who would like to show up to the ATXPUG meetup and share some of their puppet stories - integration, installations, tips, tweaks, lessons learned or anything related to configuration management & puppet. Our next meetup is February 10th and we would love to schedule in

[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Puppet Server 1.0.0 available!

2014-12-18 Thread Byron Miller
Great news! Looking forward to seeing this get some heavy use now! On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 11:29:21 PM UTC-6, Eric Sorenson wrote: > > We're pleased to announce that Puppet Server 1.0.0 is now available. > > This release is the official "one point oh" version of Puppet Server. In > accorda

[Puppet Users] Re: modern data pattern?

2014-12-17 Thread Byron Miller
Guy, The example you have like.. class showap( $amqp_host, . ) Pattern is a "parameterized class" pattern. it's so you could have a site/node.pp or an ENC provide the parameters/values. node yourserver { class { 'showap' : amqp_host => 'TRUE'} } or if you wish, hiera will do

[Puppet Users] Re: trouble getting list of nodes via PE 3.7 Rest API

2014-12-16 Thread Byron Miller
Looks like you're using puppetDB api to query your puppet master? try just puppetmaster:443/{environment}/nodes - environment being "production" or whatever the default env is. or if querying puppetdb try /v3 api endpoint instead of /v1 On Monday, December 15, 2014 11:41:17 PM UTC-6, red wrot

[Puppet Users] PuppetDB behind PgPool-II - anyone doing it?

2014-12-08 Thread Byron Miller
Is anyone running PuppetDB behind PgPool-II? I see that puppetDB has an active/standby (read from standby) support but curious if anyone has any experience with pgpool-II cluster for PuppetDB - just wondering if there is anything i should look out for in testing it out. -byron -- You rece

[Puppet Users] Re: classification question

2014-12-08 Thread Byron Miller
Since your default group is environment1, you don't need a site.pp as your ENC (puppet PE) has already classified this node to environment1. It sounds like the modules in environment1 conflict with the modules in the PE Mcollective Node group which is usually defined for all nodes. What do you

[Puppet Users] Austin Puppet Users Group - Onsite #Puppethack event and last meetup of 2014

2014-11-26 Thread Byron Miller
@ATXPUG has gotten off to a great start this year and I would like to invite everyone to join us for our last two meet ups of the year! December 4th 2014 - ATXPUG will be doing an on-site collaborative effort with the #puppethack online hackday at HomeAway. There will be food, lunch, coffee a

[Puppet Users] With Microsoft going all in .NET & Open Source (MIT license)

2014-11-12 Thread Byron Miller
Could puppet technically build a native .net client now that can implement puppet DSL in a more native fashion much like powershell does with the very similar power shell dsc? (implement all the mmc snapin stuff or however one could do this?) just curious.. i have a zillion more linux than win

[Puppet Users] Re: Restarting puppet agent after upgrade

2014-10-28 Thread Byron Miller
I used to use Mcollective to orchestrate puppet updates but I have since drifted away from installing MCO in my environments seeing that it seems fairly inactive and causes its own problems (random nodes dropping out in a large virtual machine environment) curious as to how others have solved

[Puppet Users] Re: how install foreman in suse 11 sp2

2014-10-16 Thread Byron Miller
I'm not familiar with Suse at all, but there is an awesome google group 'Foreman Users' and the irc channel on freenode #foreman where you can probably get quicker help :) On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:01:30 PM UTC-5, tony jia wrote: > > My work environment is completely using SUSE 11 SP2 ope

[Puppet Users] Re: Any Web Gui for MCollective ?

2014-08-27 Thread Byron Miller
I'd imagine if gui was important for mco, that most people probably just buy puppet enterprise which includes integration. On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 8:37:44 AM UTC-5, Stella wrote: > > Nobody has used any Web Gui for MCollective? Guess I have to try it out > all by myself :) > > On Thursday,

[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: nightly repos available

2014-08-27 Thread Byron Miller
Glad to see this Eric! I'll be following this closely to see how well the community picks up running with nightly builds. Time to setup another lab environment to check this out :) On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:23:54 PM UTC-5, Eric Sorenson wrote: > > After the Puppet 3.5.0 release problems, we

[Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Re: Announce: Puppet 3.6.2 [ Security and Bug fix Release ]

2014-06-19 Thread Byron Miller
puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-2739 > > Is that the issue you are seeing? > > thanks, > Josh > > > On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 2:28 AM, Stefan Heijmans > wrote: > >> Aha, experienced the same thing last week, didn't have time to look into >> it yet... >> >

[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Puppet 3.6.2 [ Security and Bug fix Release ]

2014-06-16 Thread Byron Miller
Running puppet 3.6.2 and disable_warnings = deprecations appears to make no difference to prohibiting the alert about environments. On Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:19:05 PM UTC-5, Moses Mendoza wrote: > > Puppet 3.6.2 is a security and bug fix release in the Puppet 3.6 > series. This release address

[Puppet Users] Announcement: Puppet meetup in Austin - kicking off here soon. Join up and we will get some dates set!

2014-05-07 Thread Byron Miller
Working with the excellent Austin DevOps meetup, we're setting up a Puppet Meetup and starting to plan out events. Please join us and let us know what you hope to get out of a meetup/user group and what times may work best for you. Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/austin-devops/events/181672382

[Puppet Users] Re: Agent speed - what is 'normal'?

2013-12-06 Thread Byron Miller
For a 1ghz ARM pc, it would seem about normal.. On Thursday, December 5, 2013 3:41:48 PM UTC-6, Jon Yeargers wrote: > > (This is actually two questions): > > Running 'puppet agent --test' on a 1Ghz ARM based (Debian 6) fanless PC. > It's pretty common to see the 'catalog run' take 120-300 secon

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet vs Oracle Enterprise Manager (cm pack)?

2013-10-02 Thread Byron Miller
Doug, For the most part, Oracle sells 12c cloud control as an enterprise dashboard with provisioning and metering capabilities. 12c provisions using templates and scripts and then has some patching stuff built on that for its oracle products and some os's. It's not an idempotent based system

[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet vs Oracle Enterprise Manager (cm pack)?

2013-09-30 Thread Byron Miller
We use both as they solve different problems. I don't use any of the OS provisioning or metering in 12c as i use puppet for that but being that we run a lot of oracle stuff, i use the oracle management tool packs quite extensively. We run puppet agents offline and use mcollective to orchestra

[Puppet Users] Re: Any interest in an Austin puppet users group?

2013-08-29 Thread Byron Miller
I've got a few people interested. Looking to possibly start a group page somewhere or a meetup group. -byron On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 4:01:33 PM UTC-5, Byron Miller wrote: > > We have some great groups here in Austin with regular meetups but nothing > really focused on

[Puppet Users] Any interest in an Austin puppet users group?

2013-08-27 Thread Byron Miller
We have some great groups here in Austin with regular meetups but nothing really focused on Puppet and the typical DevOps group meetups are all Chef. Anyone want to work with me to get something going or if there is some one already running one, shoot me the info and i'll be glad to join & help


2013-04-02 Thread Byron Miller
There are a few dependencies. We just mirrored the puppetlabs yum repo locally and use that as our base so we can freeze the code and not pickup new releases until we're ready to deploy them. http://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/6Server/ On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 6:17:20 AM UTC-5, rsgrimm wrote: >

[Puppet Users] Re: syntax problems trying to use Keith Burdis's erwbgy/system module without Hiera

2013-03-21 Thread Byron Miller
i replied to your post over in foreman :) you can also search for my "i can't wrap my head around hiera" post for more details too. On Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:09:02 PM UTC-5, John Smith wrote: > > I'm trying to use Keith Burdis's excellent erwbgy/system module without > Hiera, at least initi

Re: [Puppet Users] Help me wrap my head around Yaml/Hiera with erwbgy/system

2013-03-15 Thread Byron Miller
o the other to avoid issues. > > 3) Assuming your environment is "production" (the default) based on your > hiera.yaml the common.yaml file should be > /etc/puppet/hieradata/production/common.yaml. Is this the case? > > 4) Not the point of your question, but to se

[Puppet Users] Re: Help me wrap my head around Yaml/Hiera with erwbgy/system

2013-03-14 Thread Byron Miller
On Thursday, March 14, 2013 3:10:01 PM UTC-5, windowsrefund wrote: > > plugin aside, I strongly suggest not settling for YAML as a backend for > Hiera since you're basically ending up with the same problem you were > probably trying to solve; managing data in files. Sure, they're "different" >

[Puppet Users] Help me wrap my head around Yaml/Hiera with erwbgy/system

2013-03-14 Thread Byron Miller
Trying to figure out the erwbgy/system plugin and just getting stuck.. first run it did some changes, but it ignored parameters for ntp and now its not refreshing if I update the yaml at all, Im slightly lost at what I may be missing :) hiera.yaml --- :hierarchy: - %{certname} - %{envi

[Puppet Users] Puppet 3.1 - Error: Could not run: undefined method `prune_parameters' for nil:NilClass - fresh install on RHEL 6.4

2013-03-12 Thread Byron Miller
Trying to get my puppet up and running but running into a slight problem - trying to view a resource I get an error for undefined method [root@puppet puppet-dashboard]# puppet resource user root Error: Could not run: undefined method `prune_parameters' for nil:NilClass [root@puppet puppet-dashbo