I have installed a new server with puppet 6.
I get these errors with facter. Can somebody please help me?
facter -v
3.13.1 (commit 4e1df48f76caa0eaeee90af4239a1df450d45cd7)
facter -p osmajorrelease
Thread.exclusive is deprecated, use Thread::Mutex
hello team i wanted to know how to get puppet swag to promote in my org.
let me know asap
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Hey folks!
Unfortunately we've had to pull the puppet-client-tools packages from the
puppet6 package repositories. These packages were built against puppet5 and
are therefore incompatible with the version of OpenSSL used in puppet6.
We will republish puppet6-compatible packages soon.
Thanks for
I am fairly new to puppet. I have a puppet master that is orchestrating the
builds for three AWS autoscaling groups of Nginx reverse proxy servers.
The three types are fairly similar except for some conf files.
In the main site.pp file there is a line " case $::ec2_tag_role" . So it is
I'm getting *empty catalogs* after *upgrading Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS*
(so did my *puppetserver, 3.8.5 -> 5.4.0* ). My puppet *agent on my testing
machine* is also v *5.4.0.*
My client machine for testing (c06x19) reveives the hostname.json *catalog
file*, but it seems to be empty
Hello All,
I am a beginner with PE.
I created an Ubuntu 18.04 VM on Amazon AWS.
I have the public IP address as and the public name
as ec2-54-100-1-200.compute-1.amazonaws.com
I have the local server name as 'ip-172-26-6-65.ec2.internal'
from a remote location, I tried connecting