Hello All,

I am a beginner with PE.

I created an Ubuntu 18.04 VM on Amazon AWS.

I have the public IP address as and the public name 
as ec2-54-100-1-200.compute-1.amazonaws.com

I have the local server name as 'ip-172-26-6-65.ec2.internal'

from a remote location, I tried connecting to the console so I typed: 

and every time it gets redirected to: 


and then an error.

this 'ip-172-26-6-65.ec2.internal' cannot be resolved as it is not on the 
Internet. It is NOT public.

I need help telling the PE to use the Static IP when 
redirecting so it looks like

or using the AWS public name 

but I don't have a clue how to do this.

I also would like to include an alt DNS name as NH.cargohold.net as I own 
that domain.

So I can later tell my agents to use either the AWS name or my 

I have been struggling with PE for 5 days, the add said it would be done in 
20 minutes but PE is not plug and play.

I will give you some BTC or LTC for helping me with this and 
successfully connecting my two remote agents as a template.

If you send an email please mention PUPPET in the subject.

Thanks a lot,
Gil Motta

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