Re: NFS file sharing

2003-01-21 Thread dballester
Read the documentation in It has a lot of info about how configure NFS, with very clear examples and troubleshotting whotos. HTH Regards antonio montagnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 20/01/2003 11:06:01 p.m. Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado por:

Re: Samba & Nautilus

2003-01-21 Thread dballester
Try smb:/// Regards antonio montagnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 21/01/2003 03:12:02 p.m. Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado por: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Destinatarios: Psyche list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: Asunto: Samba & Nautilus If I digit smb: in the com

Kernel 2.5.59

2003-01-28 Thread dballester
Hello: I've downloaded 2.5.59 kernel to test it ( for fun ). I'm having a strange problem. After compile the kernel ( bzImage, modules and modules_install) I'had put a new entry in my /boot/grub/grub.conf. All Ok. When the machine starts I can select between both kernels, but if I select the 2

Re: apt on RH8

2003-02-12 Thread dballester
>From here: Regards "Sergio Durand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 12/02/2003 05:55:20 p.m. Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado por: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Destinatarios: "Red Hat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: Asunto: ap

Re: Oracle8i installation problems

2003-02-26 Thread dballester
Hi: I had the same problem. Take a look to your alert_$ORACLE_SID.log in $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/bdump. I suppouse that you will see a message like 'WARNING: EINVAL creating segment of size ". This is related to the SHMMAX kernel parameters. Do you have 128 Mb of RAM? This proble

Mounting remote smb shares as normal user

2003-03-05 Thread dballester
Hello: I'm trying to be able to mount and unmount remote smbfs as a local user ( no root ) in a linux box. At teh moment I'had tried to create the mount point as the normal user under is home, but in anyway, mount says me that only root can mount these. I'm playing with fstab with same results

Re: Digital camera question

2003-03-13 Thread dballester
Hi: Some steps that can help. Before plug the USB-cord of camera into your computer: tail -f /var/log/messages Plug it and see what says the usb controler. Here you will see to what /dev/sdxx has been attached. Make a mount point for your camera. For example mkdir /mnt/digimax410 Presumably,

Re: System stops responding to shutdown, top, ps

2003-03-13 Thread dballester
It's connected to Intrernet? If yes, ( I'm paranoid ) download chkrootkit from Compile and install it. It tries to discover if a rootkit is installed in your system ( a lot of times this rootkits are used by attackers to perform Dos to another machines or wide netscans to intern

Re: rpm hangs

2003-03-21 Thread dballester
For strange reasons, sometimes rpm gets 'freezed' when working with database. For now, the method that I know to solve the hang ( but no futures hangs ) is to kill all rpm process. Go to /var/lib/rpm and delete all __db.00(number) files. Then rpm processes will work correctly until the next hang ;

Re: XDMCP chooser in linux.. as solaris

2003-03-25 Thread dballester
In my RH8 I can do this executing gdmchooser HTH "Bala murugan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 25/03/2003 04:17:50 p.m. Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado por: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: Asunto: XDMCP chooser in linux.. as sola

Re: Linux vs Windows

2003-03-26 Thread dballester
Sorry, I'm not agree. More debatable. A lot of this tools has been developed by Microsoft under pressure/demand of big customers who had no way to solve monitoring/customization of his own servers. This developed tools has been converted into standard tools from NT 4 to 2000. Regards Michae

Re: XDMCP chooser in linux.. as solaris

2003-03-28 Thread dballester
Ops... I saw some logs, and may be is a bug. I will try bugzilla. Talk to you ASAP. Regards "Bala murugan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 28/03/2003 08:21:44 a.m. Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Asunto: Re: XDMCP chooser in linux.. as solaris thankyou for

Re: XDMCP chooser in linux.. as solaris

2003-03-28 Thread dballester
Forget last message, no bugs, my brain bug :/ , need to touch some /etx/X11/gdm/gdm.conf values. In a short time i will try to say you what values hare different. [EMAIL PROTECTED] con fecha 28/03/2003 09:42:53 a.m. Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado por: [EMAIL

Re: XDMCP chooser in linux.. as solaris

2003-03-31 Thread dballester
Hello again: No luck trying to obtain any way to connect to remote xdmcps using gdmchooser. For this reason I had created the following shell script. This script is called without parameters. Only will run correctly if all X remote sessions are launched with xinit executions. In a few words, t

Re: XDMCP chooser in linux.. as solaris ( correction )

2003-03-31 Thread dballester
Where: "If DISPLAY=:0 ( the default X session in your machine), then the screen is located at Ctrl+Alt+F7 If DISPLAY=:1 ( the default X session in your machine), then the screen is located at Ctrl+Alt+F8 If DISPLAY=:2 ( the default X session in your machine), then the screen is locate

Re: XDMCP chooser in linux.. as solaris ( correction )

2003-03-31 Thread dballester
Totally agree, but this only was explained in the lightspeed way for an user with RH that needs to connect to Solaris servers using gdmchooser, and by default in this distro :0 is F7, :1 F8... Is more like '...and if you don't know how X sessions works read how-tos but by now, you can begin knowin

Re: how to activate telnet

2003-04-01 Thread dballester
edit /etc/xinetd.d/telnet on line "disable = yes" change yes per no. Save file and restart xinetd with "service xinetd restart" If you can't connect then, may be your firewall rules are blocking tlenet stop them for test with "service iptables stop" "service ipchains stop" and try again

Re: What's the status of PDA secure remote access?

2003-08-14 Thread dballester
ssh? VPN? terminal?... mmmhh... All can be done with linux, and Sharp has a Linux based PDA called Zaurus. HTH Michael Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 08/08/2003 16:02:00 Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado por: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Destinatarios: [EMA

Re: What's the status of PDA secure remote access?

2003-08-14 Thread dballester
Sharp Zaurus runs Linux, is supported all you can run in Linux. HTH Regards Michael Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 08/08/2003 04:47:18 p.m. Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado por: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Telnet installation

2003-08-14 Thread dballester
First may be you must be sure that the telnet server is installed ( may be you have only the client ). rpm -qa | grep telnet may help you. HTH regards "Suresh Babu A. [IT Engineer]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 12/08/2003 22:21:13 Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Envia

Re: command to bring the graphics card selector in non gui mode

2003-10-01 Thread dballester
setup -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Testing Psyche - Newbie performance questions

2002-11-28 Thread dballester
Hi to all: I'm evaluating RedHat 8.0 and I have some questions that may be stupid o simple, but I'm only searching for tips, advices or starting points, not wanna waste your time ( ahem... very much ;) ). All questions are refered to performance and resource consumition in an 'enterprise

Re: Testing Psyche - Newbie performance questions

2002-11-29 Thread dballester
>Is the swapping really hurting performance? On my 512mb system there's >still a bit of swapping when the kernel decides memory can better be >used for disk cache than just for holding unused program data... IMMO yes, if you don't have a good transfer rate from disk :( >Does setting the pio mod

Re: Calling all KDE fans!!

2002-11-29 Thread dballester
>In my completely personal opinion, I don't understand the whole >GNOME vs KDE thing. They are so much alike it's silly. The only >differences between them are so trivial it's ridicules. Yes, it's more how you feel yourself using KDE or GNOME or any other desktop environment. And , seeking this

Re: Running X on servers

2002-12-03 Thread dballester
Hi: Well... Make it with GUI, make it by command line... the important thing is that you must know what are you doing. For me the GUI is very helpful when are used to parametrize some application or command with a lot of parameters. I must know what I'm doing, and how it can be done from comm

Re: Tutos Package

2002-12-13 Thread dballester
Hi: I'm using Tutos with Oracle without problems. With mysql seems to be more easy of install, read carefully the documentation, and then,. try to open a bug in the sourceforge project site, they are waiting for it ;) Regards -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman

Re: X Display

2002-12-20 Thread dballester
Hi: Prerrequisites: */WARNING* This options are unsecure, to use in this form be sure that you're in a trusted LAN. In the server where do you wanna connect : As root execute 'xhost +' Go to GDM Properties and enable Graphical Display for

Problems installing RH8.0 on a Dell Latitude C600

2003-01-08 Thread dballester
Hi: I'm trying to install RH8.0 on a Dell Latitude C600. At the begining all seems go well, I can select language, keyboard and mouse. The problem comes after the selection of the type of install. Even i try Desktop, workstation, server or custom, the systems seems to freeze, and some minutes

Re: Problems installing RH8.0 on a Dell Latitude C600

2003-01-08 Thread dballester
With Text mode goes Ok. Seems to be any type of bug in the GUI isntallation. HTH Regards -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

About NFS

2003-01-10 Thread dballester
Hi: Where can I ask about NFS? I'm in trouble. seems to be any type of big timeout before a client tries to reconnect to a NFS server, when the communication channel or the server has been down for a while. TIA -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

About gconfd-2

2003-01-13 Thread dballester
Hi to all: After install a fresh RH80 on my laptop, i can ear the disk working every 4-5 seconds. Taking a look to the top and process monitor seems to be ( I'm newbie, can be sure ) the gconfd-2 process who is making the work with the disk. I've been waiting to see if this works ends at any t

Re: Firewall

2003-01-15 Thread dballester
Hi: For more 'corporate' use, i'm using fwbuilder at I really like this, is very similar to Checkpoint Firewall. Regards Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha 15/01/2003 08:07:10 p.m. Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado por: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: How to configure applications to use CUPS ?

2003-01-16 Thread dballester
Hi: Read the documentations from CUPS, i don't remember now how, but is possible to configure CUPs to substitute lpd daemon. Normally appplications need to suport cups printing system natively ( see how applications from KDE 3 have the option to print to CUPS or lpd ), but another applicatios