Hello again: No luck trying to obtain any way to connect to remote xdmcps using gdmchooser. For this reason I had created the following shell script.
This script is called without parameters. Only will run correctly if all X remote sessions are launched with xinit executions. In a few words, this code obtain the greatest $DISPLAY value from all remote sessions, add 1 to this value, executes gdmchooser and if a server is returned, tries to launch xinit with the necessary values. If firewall rules in both local or remote machines blocks X protocol, you will only obtain a gray or black screen with the mouse pointer. Tehory of operation: Suppouse that you have your machine up and running in graphic mode. Have xhost +<lan or ip range for servers that you wanna connect >, and firewall rules that permit X protocol. Of course, you have gdmchooser installed. Execute the xrchooser script #./xrchooser.sh If all goes well, you will obtain the gdmchooser screen. If the Close button is pressed, the script finishes with 'No server selected from gdmchooser' message. But if a server is selected from gdmchooser, the script executes a xinit call with this form: # first assign a new value to the DISPLAY environment var. This value is the highest display used by any xinit process currently running, # to this value 1 is added to get the next DISPLAY value unused. If no earlier xinit processes are executing, the :1 value is assigned to DISPLAY # by default. export DISPLAY=localhost.localdomain:<display_value> # And xinit is called in background xinit -- -query <gdmchooser_selected_server> :<display_value> & Then the display offers the remote server gui login. You can work with different Xsessions at the same time. Only need to know the following equivalence: If DISPLAY=:0 ( the default X session in your machine), then the screen is located at Ctrl+Alt+F7 If DISPLAY=:1 ( the default X session in your machine), then the screen is located at Ctrl+Alt+F8 If DISPLAY=:2 ( the default X session in your machine), then the screen is located at Ctrl+Alt+F9 . . . And so... When you have finished to work with this X session, then logout from session to obtain the remote gui logon again. Then you can kill this X remote session with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. This only kills the actual session, not others, but if you kill your local sesission, all other will die, of course. TODO: When xinit is called, one xterm is created in the local X session. If you close this term, the X sesion dies. May be is possible to avoid the xterm execution. HTH Regards (See attached file: rxchoose.sh)
Description: Binary data