- Original Message -
From: "Jochen Kaechelin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: KDE 3.1.0 as rpms
> Does anybody know a ftp-server where I can find
> K
In order to reduce the number of RPM packages, they are probably combined
into related rpms.
-eric wood
- Original Message -
From: "Jochen Kaechelin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ftp://rawhide.redhat.com
> > /pub/redhat/linux/rawhide/i386/RedHat/RPMS
> But
rive BIOS
setting to CHS or LBA. Need some more history, like was the harddisk
freshly repartitioned when you installed?
-eric wood
- Original Message -
From: Scott Taylor
> I'm curious...do you have to be in some special club to get your email
posts answered.
I have submitte
Curl uses the same outgoing port as a web brower would use, port 443. For
protection some url, only send you a redirect page before the real data
comes down. So you'll end up with a small 4K page.
-eric wood
- Original Message -
From: "Marek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&
Maybe someone can pull down the lastest 8.1 beta and tell us? I would but
I'm not a rich or a lucky as you guys that already have an HT processor.
-eric wood
From: "Chris Kloiber"
> If you are running the e.12 kernels you can add a
> kernel (or append=) parameter
Make sure your have userlist_deny is *not* set to NO in your conf file.
Also, cat /etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd and make sure disable is no. Make sure your
not really running wu-ftpd.
-eric wood
Psyche-list mailing list
a but slicker. It found the corrupt file and
restored it in one swoop. That's the only thing that impressed me with SCO.
-Eric Wood
From: "Loeung Vidol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all:
> Could anyone point
> out some major differences? This will be my first time to use
And it would be where?
https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/ ?
- Original Message -
From: "Richard Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Nuff said.
> Cheers!
> --
> Richard Potter RHCE
> Re/Max
> Kingston, ON CANADA
Psyche-list mailing list
unsure which. Any suggestions?
Section "Module"
Load "dbe"
Load "extmod"
Load "fbdevhw"
Load "dri"
Load "glx"
Load "record"
Load "freetype"
Load &
edit /etc/vsftpd.conf
# service wu-ftpd off
# service vsftpd on
Suresh Babu A. [IT Engineer] wrote:
> Hi All,
> How to enable ftp service in my linux workstation.
> Thanks
> SureshA
Psyche-list mailing list
tml and learned that htdig can
suffer from lots of infinite loops.
-eric wood
> Really? I thought it was just building a databse of help docs, or
> I went to bed with it still running, and here it is 4am,
> and it is still running. It has been "indexing documentat
Why can't you run it through "grep -v" or "head -15" thereby ignoring the
lines you don't want?
- Original Message -
From: "Miguel M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi!
> How can I prevent the "xinetd based services"
> to be displayed by "chkconfig --list"?
> I have some scripts which wo
Several people do run sendmail through xinetd. It's not as effecient as
standalone but you get all the control xinetd offer such as access lists. I
don't have a xinetd entry for sendmail but I seen one come throught the
xinetd list last week.
-eric wood
- Original Message -
I have a PowerEdge 2400 - PERC2/Si - single RAID channel, Ultra2 SCSI.,
Raid-5 configuration
Currently running: RH 7.0, kernel-2.2.16-22, afaapps-2.1-0
Anyone have problems upgrading to RH 8.0 on such a server? Hopefully things
will go smooth this weekend.
-eric wood
Psyche-list mailing
Is UDF and Mount Rainier competing formats to do the same thing?
-eric wood
- Original Message -
From: "Lanny Marcus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've tried to find information about Mount Rainier, twice, in the Red
> Hat Linux 8.0 Documentation Bundle and in
Yeah, I'm going from 7.0 to 8.0. It's all about bad timing on the
customer's part.
-eric wood
> aside from the fact that it's not really smart to run a .0 release on
> production servers, who knows.
Psyche-list mailing list
ring switching from Windows to Linux is an
upgrade. People say that Linux is not vapor-ware. For me it is, that's why
it's so exciting and evolving at a pace that is making Microsoft's head
spin. I can't wait till a new RH comes out so I can go out and upgrade my
fresh install, I registered with RHN, and up2date got hung
will installing the latest fetchmail update.
-eric wood
- Original Message -
From: "HakanTerzioglu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> And 2-3 of them already migrated to Psyche(8.0) but we are having probl
games kdegames-devel
rpm -e gnuchess xboard
rpm -e gnome-games
Please add if I've missed anything.
-eric wood
Psyche-list mailing list
Dang it! Someone always beats me to it.
- Original Message -
> Congratulations sir, you got "first post" in the "When is the next
> release coming out?" category.
Psyche-list mailing list
In RH 7.0, a umask 0 created files with
now in 8.0 they are created like:
Where can I change this default behavior?
-eric wood
Psyche-list mailing list
But when a new child process spawns (say a shell script), the umask is not
inherited. Is there a fix for that?
-eric wood
- Original Message -
From: "Jesse Keating" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 2:30 PM
Subject: Re:
as ewood]$ ls -l foo
-rw-rw-r--1 ewoodewood 0 Dec 19 17:10 foo
This wasn't so back in the RH 7.0 days. Must be a shell requirement now.
Thanks for you help on this issue.
-eric wood
- Original Message -
From: "Jesse Keating" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <
As with 7.3, 8.0 still locks up my Vaio laptop on the BIOS screen after a
reboot. I guess I'll have to bugzilla this again. It's something to do
with running an Athlon cpu. If I install a i386 kernel, a reboot will work
-eric wood
Is this package DOA for RH 8.0. The connection window says "DSIRC IS DEAD".
"Bad arg ength for Socket:pack_sockaddr_in, length is 0, should be 4 at
/usr/bin/dsirc line 182.
Any ideas?
-eric wood
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