Re: apt-get xine

2003-03-05 Thread Dale Kosan
Might be to basic but did you do apt-get update? Kareemullah Quadir wrote: Hi all i am using RH 8.0 and i downloaded and installed apt-get. when i try to install xine using the following command: apt-get install xine i get the following message: Couldn't find package xine can anyone help me

Re: RPM database stuck?

2002-10-28 Thread Dale Kosan
Just installed the new rpm packages, will let you know if I experience any problems... Randall J. Parr wrote: Tuan Hoang wrote: Hi, It seems like my RPM database is either stuck or confused. What were the commands to delete & rebuild it? Also does anyone know what's causing this problem

Re: русский язык

2002-10-31 Thread Dale Kosan
I can see text, looks Russian too me to... J.M. Cogels wrote: It looks like Russian to me... Mark C wrote: On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 21:24, Curtis Vaughan wrote: ÷ÏÐÒÏÓ Õ ÍÅÎÑ ÔÁËÏÊ. ñ ÐÒÏÓÔÏ ÉÎÓÔÁÌÌÉÒÏ×ÁÌ RH8 Ó ÁÎÇÌÉÊÓËÉÍ É ÒÕÓÓËÉÍ ÑÚÙËÁÍÉ. ñ ÍÏÇÕ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ ÎÁ ÒÕÓÓËÏÍ ÑÚÙËÅ

Re: Backup

2002-11-03 Thread Dale Kosan
as a normal user do this: tar cvzf /path-to-backup-file-and name /home/your home directory so, on my machine my home dir is dale and I put my backups on a seperate partition called data. this is what the above command looks like: tar cvzf /data/dale.tar.gz /home/dale hope this helps.. On Su

Re: Backup

2002-11-04 Thread Dale Kosan
Hi Stephen, This depends on what the slave drives partitions are. Assume it is /de/hdc1, the following command would be the one: tar cvzf /dev/hdc1/name_of_file_to_create.tar.gz /What_to_backup So, say your home directory is /home/stephen we would issue the following command: tar cvzf /dev/hdc1/

Re: issues with KVM switches

2002-11-04 Thread Dale Kosan
My Linksys works like a charm On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 16:18, Brian York wrote: > Has anyone had any problems with redhat 8 and KVM switches? When I am > working on another computer the switch back to rh8 box the keyboard > doesn't respond. Has anyone else had this problem? > > > > Brian

Re: Red Hat Road Tour

2002-11-09 Thread Dale Kosan
PS: We have *real* beer! LONG LIVE MOLSON TRIPPLE X! -- ICQ# 55846749 Registered Linux user #191829 A Cherokee Prayer: Oh Great Spirit, Help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak and to remember the pe

Re: home lan

2002-11-12 Thread Dale Kosan
Just for the record, most of the lower price dsl/routers also do port forwarding so you can still use ssh, samba, apache ect... Lou Losee wrote: just for info, these home appliances are typically runiing a version of *nix, typially BSD Lou lovswr1 wrote: I agree with Chris. I have two Lin

Re: Updating to Evo 1.2

2002-11-17 Thread Dale Kosan
Well, it is installed so why not do the following as root: rpm -e red-carpet Then install the new version with rpm -Uvh red-carpet. I am curious, are the packages the same version number? Have you tried doing rpm -Uvh red-carpet? -- ICQ# 55846749 Regist

kick start question

2002-11-19 Thread Dale Kosan
I want to install a system via a anaconda generated kickstart file. I am looking over the partition section and for bootloader it has the following: bootloader --location=boot I think I need to change this to match my setup, I have a raid system and the bootloader is installed to /dev/md0 wich

Re: updated to and now using Evo 1.2

2002-11-20 Thread Dale Kosan
I dont have a palm so I can not be of any help here, sorry... T Gloster wrote: Everyone, Thanks Dale, this worked. Everything is running pretty smooth. Now, can anyone tell me how to get Evolution 1.2.0 to sync with my Palm OS based handheld device (Handspring Treo 180 - USB)? Should I insta

Re: Humor: we can still laugh]

2002-11-21 Thread Dale Kosan
VERY, VERY GOOD Aaron Konstam wrote: ::: *Light Bulb List Members* THE QUESTION: How many internet mail list subscribers does it take to change a light bulb? ANSWER: 1,331: -- ICQ# 55846749 Regis

sylpheed-claws, win32 port

2002-11-21 Thread Dale Kosan
For all those people stuck using windows, check it out: -- ICQ# 55846749 Registered Linux user #191829 A Cherokee Prayer: Oh Great Spirit, Help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an op

Re: Athlon XP - Segmentation fault issues

2002-12-02 Thread Dale Kosan
I am running a AMD Athlon 1800+ and a Asus mainboard with the KT333 chipset with no problems what so ever. 1gig ddr memory and a Nvidia GForce vidio card... David Durst wrote: Hi all, Has anyone else experienced problems wehn running Linux on an Athlon XP platform? After a recent hardware u

off topic

2002-12-20 Thread Dale Kosan
Microsoft is Coming To Town (To the tune of Santa Claus is Coming To Town) You better watch out You better not cry, "I don't know where all my licenses lie!" Microsoft is coming to town You paid for it list, You paid for it twice; You paid even more for legal advice. Microsoft is coming to town T

Re: Onboard sound problems with Asus A7V333-X mobo

2002-12-21 Thread Dale Kosan
Same here, worked like a charm, sorry I can not help. Donald G Wilson Jr wrote: Hello, I have installed Psyche on a system with an ASUS A7V333-X mobo with onboard sound. The sound hardware is: VIA Technologies VT8233 AC97 Audio Controller This is recognised and an attempt made to load the

Re: OpenOffice

2002-11-12 Thread Dale Kosan
I think you are talking about the fonts in the document, correct? If so you need true type fonts. What I did is copy my fonts from a windows machine into a folder in my home directory called .fonts I then went to a console and typed oopadmin. When the menue box comes up look for the button titl