Just installed the new rpm packages, will let you know if I experience any problems...

Randall J. Parr wrote:
Tuan Hoang wrote:


It seems like my RPM database is either stuck or confused. What were the commands to delete & rebuild it? Also does anyone know what's causing this problem?

It seems to have happened when I rebuilt a SRPM and then tried to install the resulting binary RPM.

I was having these kind of problems as well.
The advise I've been given is

1) remove /var/lib/rpm/__db* file and rebuild using

rpm -vv --rebuilddb

2) Aaron Gaudio (on rpm-list) wrote:

Using the rpm packages from ftp://people.redhat.com/jbj/test-4.1
has worked for me so far. Try them out and report back... the faster
people can verify it works, the faster it can be released and the
faster the list isn't filled up with problems related to rpm hanging
I installed all the i386 packages from the above, cleaned up the rpm (__db, etc.)
and, so far, have not hit the problem again.

Temporal Arts

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