Re: IP aliasing

2003-07-02 Thread Jesse Keating
On Wednesday 02 July 2003 05:33, Jason Dale wrote: > I will get an opportunity to try this out at a later > stage. I'm sure it will work, on provision that the > command works on a 'default' installation with > network support. I'm just amazed that even > the "100% comprehensive" Red Hat Linux 8 >

Re: IP aliasing

2003-07-02 Thread Jason Dale
appear to make any mention of the netconfig command. Neither do any of my other RH books. There is not even a man page for it on my RH8 system. Hmmm Jason - Original Message - From: "Jesse Keating" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Tuesday, J

Re: IP aliasing

2003-07-01 Thread Jesse Keating
On Tuesday 01 July 2003 07:31, Jason Dale wrote: > Does anyone know how to add an alias to a > network interface? for example, get 'eth0' to > respond to more than 1 IP address? do > I need to compile this option into the > kernel? netconfig -d eth0:1 > I assume the system would reflect this as >

IP aliasing

2003-07-01 Thread Jason Dale
Hi,   Does anyone know how to add an alias to a network interface? for example, get 'eth0' to respond to more than 1 IP address? do I need to compile this option into the kernel?   I assume the system would reflect this as eth0:1, eth0:2 etc for as many aliases that you have on the same phys