On Tuesday 01 July 2003 07:31, Jason Dale wrote:
> Does anyone know how to add an alias to a
> network interface? for example, get 'eth0' to
> respond to more than 1 IP address? do
> I need to compile this option into the
> kernel?

netconfig -d eth0:1

> I assume the system would reflect this as
> eth0:1, eth0:2 etc for as many aliases that
> you have on the same physical card.


> If I reboot the machine, will the system keep these aliases?

If configured and a file is made in 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1  Using netconfig -d eth0:1 will 
create this file.  (you'll have to ifup eth0:1 once you've configured it).  
Note, you shouldn't add another gateway and/or DNS server when configuring 
the other addresses.  Leave those two feilds blank.

> Lastly, in a machine with multiple network cards, how does the system
> handle the 'ordering' of the network card names, such as 'eth0' 'eth1' etc?
> does it select this name according to which PCI slot you use, or according
> to whichever card was added first,
> irrespective of the PCI slot?

Adjust the aliasing in /etc/modules.conf.  

Jesse Keating RHCE MCSE
Mondo DevTeam (www.mondorescue.org)

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