Re: Kruskal Wallis Test

2015-02-27 Thread Alan Mead
ax for the Kruskal-Wallis test.) Out of curiosity, how much effort is involved in adding a test like K-W to psppire? -Alan On 2/27/2015 7:47 AM, John Darrington wrote: > The syntax for PSPP is supposed to be exactly the same as that for SPSS. So > you should have no trouble. > > I

Re: Kruskal Wallis Test

2015-02-27 Thread John Darrington
On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 10:49:07AM +0800, rex villavelez wrote: I'm quite new to PSPP but well versed in SPSS.. just wanna ask how can I run Kruskal Wallis Test in PSPP? I saw something like inputing in Syntax but I seem cant get it to work, hope there will be a tut

Re: Kruskal Wallis Test

2015-02-26 Thread Alan Mead
ng variable. 4) In the syntax window, choose Run > All NPAR TESTS /K-W=DV BY group(1 3) /MISSING ANALYSIS. -Alan On 2/26/2015 8:49 PM, rex villavelez wrote: > I'm quite new to PSPP but well versed in SPSS.. just wanna ask how can > I run Kruskal Wallis Test in PSPP? > >