Re: PSPP download win

2024-10-13 Thread ahammer
Hi Friedrich Bugs happens.Thank you.Andreas  Ursprüngliche Nachricht Von: Friedrich Beckmann Datum: 13.10.24 17:28 (GMT+01:00) An: Andreas Hammer Cc: Betreff: Re: PSPP download win Hi Andreas,thanks for the info! The windows nightlyhttps://caeis.etech.fh-

Re: histogram does not show all value of frequencies

2022-03-15 Thread ahammer
Hi Friedrich, Normal curve works.The blaues for the Meran und the Standard deviatopn on the right is missing. N is schon. See die Witz schreenshot.In the png-file created with Export to html, the values in the right after the decimal point ae truncated.ThanksAndreas  Ursprüngliche Nachr