Hi Friedrich, Normal curve works.The blaues for the Meran und the Standard 
deviatopn on the right is missing. N is schon. See die Witz schreenshot.In the 
png-file created with Export to html, the values in the right after the decimal 
point ae truncated.ThanksAndreas 
-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------Von: Friedrich Beckmann 
<friedrich.beckm...@gmx.de> Datum: 14.03.22  23:08  (GMT+01:00) An: Andreas 
Hammer <aham...@t-online.de> Cc: pspp-users@gnu.org Betreff: Re: histogram does 
not show all value of frequencies Hi Andreas,do you refer to the normal curve 
which ist cutoff at the top? FriedrichAm 13.03.2022 um 23:05 schrieb Andreas 
Hammer <aham...@t-online.de>:


  Hello,actually I have the same problem as metionend
            Re: histogram does not show all value of frequencies
            Sat, 26 Mar 2016 14:10:15 +0100
    Some values are cut (see shnapshot from the output window and the
      png-file created with export to html)
    I run GNU pspp 1.5.3-g797d4c with Win 10. In the former
      PSPP-version the histogram was complete.
    Any ideas what I can do?
    Thank youAndreas Hammer


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