I guess this involves saving the excel sheet as text, read it with
PSPP, SORT BY Code and save as .sav (exercise left for the reader).
Then, use MATCH FILES to import Cluster from this table into your data
file (be sure the Code key have same name and length in both files):
Or possibly:
Select if( Cluster = '2A' ).
freq / Code.
The temporary makes the select if statement active only for the next analysis.
So you'd have to repeat it if you had a second analysis. You could also omit it
but then your dataset will be altered... I hope you're not analyzing y
Something like this?
sort cases by Cluster.
split file by Cluster.
freq / Code.
split file off.
All that was from memory and untested; my apologies if I remembered
wrong but hopefully it suggests the solution.
On 4/16/2015 5:14 AM, Robert Orzanna wrote
Dear all,
I recently started using PSPP to analyse sav data. I must say that I
have no previous experience with SPSS. But from what I have seen so far,
I very much like PSPP. I have one (maybe simple) question that I
couldn't find an answer for in the documentation.
In an Excel file I have a