I guess this involves saving the excel sheet as text, read it with PSPP, SORT BY Code and save as .sav (exercise left for the reader). Then, use MATCH FILES to import Cluster from this table into your data file (be sure the Code key have same name and length in both files):
MATCH FILES FILE = * /TABLE = "excelSheet.sav" /BY Code.

On 16/04/2015 12:14, Robert Orzanna wrote:
Dear all,

I recently started using PSPP to analyse sav data. I must say that I have no previous experience with SPSS. But from what I have seen so far, I very much like PSPP. I have one (maybe simple) question that I couldn't find an answer for in the documentation.
In an Excel file I have a list that looks as follows:

Cluster | Code
2A         | 33edfdkeew
2A         | 29dnewdnd
2B         | sd2034wss
2B         | 29jsnn2221

Then I have a sav file that I analyse with PSPP. This file contains ~ 400 cases, all with unique entries for the "Code" variable. I want to perform the analysis of the data for the different clusters. Thus, I want to filter the file for cases whose codes belong to a specific cluster.
What is the best way of doing this in PSPP?

Select cases only allows me to select a random case sample, based on a range (but only allowing me to select case numbers) or a filter variable (which I don't have in my default sav file).
My current idea was to create 2 new variables for the two different 
clusters and then assign a 1 to the variable for each case that 
belongs to the respective cluster. However, this seems to be very 
inconvenient and I am wondering if there is a better way to do this.
Thanks ahead!



mindfully present. just be and let go.
passionate. simple life. user-centred design.
impulsive thinking. human hearted.
Co-Creator of @MindfulMeerkats <https://twitter.com/MindfulMeerkat>.

Website: robert.orzanna.de <http://robert.orzanna.de/>
Twitter: @orschiro <https://twitter.com/orschiro>

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