majordomo postfix 2.10.1 No recipient addresses found in message header

2017-09-01 Thread tslbai
Dear Mailing-List, i was running the latest Version of Majordomo (1.94.5) successful on CentOS 6.x with postfix 2.6 (2.6.6-8.el6.x86_64.rpm) for years. Since i installed CentOS 7.x with postfix 2.10 (2.10.1-6.el7.x86_64.rpm) majordomo isn't working any more (sendmail-error). "No recipient addres

Re: majordomo postfix 2.10.1 No recipient addresses found in message header

2017-09-01 Thread tslbai
gt;>> /usr/lib/sendmail -f$sendmail_sender -t\n"; sequencer:local(@mailer) = split(' ',"/usr/lib/sendmail -f$sendmail_sender -t"); I deleted some of the "-t"-Options, but my problem persists. :-( I know, this is not a postfix-issue, but can you please advise

Re: majordomo postfix 2.10.1 No recipient addresses found in message header

2017-09-02 Thread tslbai
Lezc ... but i'm further then ever from a solution. Which perl are you using for the majordomo of this postfix-list? Do you run a patched Version? Could you kindly make it availeable? Thanks, Florian On 9/1/2017 7:29 PM, tslbai wrote: &