Thanks for the hint!

Sorry, but i don't know, how to tell majordomo, to invoke sendmail in
the correct way.

I grep'ed the majordomo scripts for "-t" Option. This is used several times:

# pwd
# grep sendmail * | grep " \-t"$bounce_mailer = $bounce_mailer || "$sendmail_command
-f\$sender -t";
config-test:    print "$sendmail_command -f\\\$sender -t\n";
config-test:    print "/usr/lib/sendmail -f\\\$sender -t\n";
config-test:        $bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t"
digest:$bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t"
digest:$bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -fmajordomo-owner -t"
majordomo:$bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t"$bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -oi -oee -f\$sender -t";$mail_prog = "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t";
request-answer:$bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t"
resend:$bounce_mailer = $bounce_mailer || "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t";
resend:# check for the dreaded -t option to sendmail, which will cause
resend: $mailcmd = "/usr/lib/sendmail -f$sender -t";$bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -oi -oee -f\$sender -t";
# pwd
new-list:$bounce_mailer = "$sendmail_command -f\$sender -t"
sequencer:      print MAIL ">>> /usr/lib/sendmail -f$sendmail_sender -t\n";
sequencer:    local(@mailer) = split(' ',"/usr/lib/sendmail
-f$sendmail_sender -t");

I deleted some of the "-t"-Options, but my problem persists. :-(

I know, this is not a postfix-issue, but can you please advise me, how
to treat majordomo?


On 9/1/2017 2:16 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> On 01.09.17 12:18, tslbai wrote:
>> i was running the latest Version of Majordomo (1.94.5) successful on
>> CentOS 6.x with postfix 2.6 (2.6.6-8.el6.x86_64.rpm) for years.
>> Since i installed CentOS 7.x with postfix 2.10 (2.10.1-6.el7.x86_64.rpm)
>> majordomo isn't working any more (sendmail-error).
>> "No recipient addresses found in message header"
> this question has been already asked and answered:
>> (I know that Majordomo ist very old and greatcircle isn't supporting ist
>> since years and the majordomo-Mailing-list ended 2003.
> should be no issue since even this list runs on majordomo.

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