I want to process all mails through a script. Therefore I have set up a
pipe transport in master.cf, which looks like
|dfixunix- n n - - pipe
| flags=q user=user argv=fix-disclaimer.pl -f ${sender} ${recipient}
|:smtp inetn - n - 10
You sir, are a genius!!
I think it was one of those situations where I'd been round in circles so
many times I lost track of what was going on, that and reading to many
examples from different sources. The server itself with Squirrelmail,
clamav and spamassassin took two hours to set up an
Christian Ludwig:
> Hello,
> I want to process all mails through a script. Therefore I have set up a
> pipe transport in master.cf, which looks like
> |dfixunix- n n - - pipe
> | flags=q user=user argv=fix-disclaimer.pl -f ${sender} ${recipient}
> |[...]
> |:smtp inet
Wietse Venema:
> Your original message looks like this:
> > |Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> > |boundary="_=_NextPart_001_01C9A2F0.A8C3BC75"
> > |Subject: Another test
> > |Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:58:07 +0100
> > |Message-ID:
> > |From: Somebody
> > |To:
> This is not
I have the following helo restriction in a pcre file:
!/[[:alpha:]]/REJECT helo non-alpha helo not allowed
I ran it with WARN for quite a while and didn't see any legitimate
messages that hit it, so I moved it to REJECT. However, my mailserver
is starting to see more tra
Christian Ludwig:
> Hello,
> Wietse Venema:
> > Your original message looks like this:
> >
> > > |Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> > > |boundary="_=_NextPart_001_01C9A2F0.A8C3BC75"
> > > |Subject: Another test
> > > |Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:58:07 +0100
> > > |Message-ID:
> > > |Fro
Wietse Venema:
> That looks like an improper implementation of the "initial dot
> stuffing" algorithm of SMTP.
> See RFC5321 for how this is done correctly.
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321#section-4.5.2
So how can I change this configuration? See, I send a properly formated
Christian Ludwig:
> Hello,
> Wietse Venema:
> > That looks like an improper implementation of the "initial dot
> > stuffing" algorithm of SMTP.
> >
> > See RFC5321 for how this is done correctly.
> > http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321#section-4.5.2
> So how can I change this configuration?
LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 07:22 AM:
> So I thought I'd see if anyone else thought that a helo in the form
> [] SHOULD be allowed. I mean, as far as I recall, this is
> still technically allowed, right?
A bracketed IP address is valid in a HELO/EHLO, but is so rare in
legitimate mai
How can I Export my postfix users (my users are stored in sasldblistusers2
and I have 2.3.3 postfix version) for then to import in a new server postfix
server (with 2.5.6 postfix version)?
Thanks in advance.
> Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 00:37:08 +0100
> From: mo...@ml.netoyen.net
> To: postfix-users@postfix.org
> Subject: Re: Rerouting bounce messages
> George Forman a écrit :
>> All,
>> If I am a secondary server hosting part of a domain.
>> I must route all bounce messages back to the primary s
On 3/13/2009, George Forman (georgeforma...@hotmail.com) wrote:
> The DNS record is hosted by primary A. Primary A determines if the
> account is to be sent to secondary B (a Postfix MTA). When secondary
> B, tries to deliver the mail via lmtp and lmtp rejects depositing the
> mail message, a boun
George Forman:
> The DNS record is hosted by primary A. Primary A determines if
> the account is to be sent to secondary B (a Postfix MTA). When
> secondary B, tries to deliver the mail via lmtp and lmtp rejects
> depositing the mail message,a bounce message is generated. This
> bounce message must
Sasa wrote, at 03/13/2009 09:08 AM:
> How can I Export my postfix users (my users are stored in
> sasldblistusers2 and I have 2.3.3 postfix version) for then to import in
> a new server postfix server (with 2.5.6 postfix version)?
> Thanks in advance.
As long as you're compiling against the same
On 3/13/2009 9:53 AM, Wietse Venema wrote:
>> The DNS record is hosted by primary A. Primary A determines if
>> the account is to be sent to secondary B (a Postfix MTA). When
>> secondary B, tries to deliver the mail via lmtp and lmtp rejects
>> depositing the mail message,a bounce message is gener
Jorey Bump wrote, On 3/13/09 8:51 AM:
LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 07:22 AM:
So I thought I'd see if anyone else thought that a helo in the form
[] SHOULD be allowed. I mean, as far as I recall, this is
still technically allowed, right?
A bracketed IP address is valid in a HELO/EH
On 11.03.2009, at 11:49, Wietse Venema wrote:
Yves Kreis:
Can I use a canonical map like:
if /^To: u...@domain\.com$/
/^From: (".*" )*(.+)@(.+)$/ From: ${1}${2}+$...@anotherdomain.com
Dear Yves, please RTFM the pcre_table manpage.
if /pattern/flags
endif Match the
I have an configuration issue with postfix. I want to have multiple
deliveryagents (configured in master.cf) in one domain.
The virtual users are stored in ldap and must be delivered to zarafa.
There are also some Public Folders in zarafa, whereby an other syntax of
zarafa is required.
one of my customers is using buggy MTA that cannot handle 'mail
from:...BODY=7BIT' syntax.
[r...@hactar tmp]# telnet mail.kiwick.cz 25
Connected to mail.kiwick.cz.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 kiwiserver.local.kiwick.cz ready
ehlo hactar.pupu.cz
"Jorey Bump" wrote:
If you need to transfer your sasldb2 to a new machine, it will depend on
the underlying database format/version used. In many cases, you can
simply copy it. But, if the formats are incompatible, you may have to
dump it to text, then recreate it on the new machine.
yes, I wa
Yves Kreis:
> On 11.03.2009, at 11:49, Wietse Venema wrote:
> > Yves Kreis:
> >> Dear,
> >>
> >> Can I use a canonical map like:
> >> if /^To: u...@domain\.com$/
> >> /^From: (".*" )*(.+)@(.+)$/ From: ${1}${2}+$...@anotherdomain.com
> >> endif
> >
> > Dear Yves, please RTFM the pcre_table manpag
Pavel Urban:
> Hello,
> one of my customers is using buggy MTA that cannot handle 'mail
> from:...BODY=7BIT' syntax.
> [r...@hactar tmp]# telnet mail.kiwick.cz 25
> Trying
> Connected to mail.kiwick.cz.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 kiwiserver.local.kiwick.cz ready
> ehlo
Bill Cole wrote, at 03/13/2009 10:23 AM:
> Jorey Bump wrote, On 3/13/09 8:51 AM:
>> LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 07:22 AM:
>>> So I thought I'd see if anyone else thought that a helo in the form
>>> [] SHOULD be allowed. I mean, as far as I recall, this is
>>> still technically allow
Sasa wrote, at 03/13/2009 10:58 AM:
> "Jorey Bump" wrote:
>> If you need to transfer your sasldb2 to a new machine, it will depend on
>> the underlying database format/version used. In many cases, you can
>> simply copy it. But, if the formats are incompatible, you may have to
>> dump it to text
Wietse Venema wrote:
> Pavel Urban:
>> Hello,
>> one of my customers is using buggy MTA that cannot handle 'mail
>> from:...BODY=7BIT' syntax.
>> [r...@hactar tmp]# telnet mail.kiwick.cz 25
>> Trying
>> Connected to mail.kiwick.cz.
>> Escape character is '^]'.
>> 220 kiwiserve
Pavel Urban:
> Wietse Venema wrote:
> > Pavel Urban:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> one of my customers is using buggy MTA that cannot handle 'mail
> >> from:...BODY=7BIT' syntax.
> >>
> >> [r...@hactar tmp]# telnet mail.kiwick.cz 25
> >> Trying
> >> Connected to mail.kiwick.cz.
> >> Escape
Jorey Bump" wrote:
It seems highly probable. It's harmless to test it. In fact, you can run
this command on both machines to verify the format:
file /etc/sasldb2
If you don't have an sasldb2 on the new machine, just create one by
adding an entry with saslpasswd2. If they're the same type, a si
On 13-Mar-2009, at 09:04, Jorey Bump wrote:
For the people still supporting the antiquated model of accepting
submission via SMTP rather than a proper port 587 daemon, it is
important to make allowances for the fact that MUA's frequently
have no
better choice for their HELO argument tha
LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 11:53 AM:
> On 13-Mar-2009, at 09:04, Jorey Bump wrote:
>>> For the people still supporting the antiquated model of accepting mail
>>> submission via SMTP rather than a proper port 587 daemon, it is
>>> important to make allowances for the fact that MUA's frequently ha
LuKreme wrote:
On 13-Mar-2009, at 09:04, Jorey Bump wrote:
For the people still supporting the antiquated model of accepting mail
submission via SMTP rather than a proper port 587 daemon, it is
important to make allowances for the fact that MUA's frequently have no
better choice for their HELO
Sasa wrote, at 03/13/2009 11:35 AM:
> On current mail server I have:
> [r...@mail ~]# file /etc/sasldb2
> /etc/sasldb2: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 8, native byte-order)
> on new mail server I have:
> [r...@mail ~]# file /etc/sasldb2
> /etc/sasldb2: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 9, native byt
I want to make sure that any messages my system sends out always has a
sender of someb...@math.wisc.edu. I am looking at configuring the
smtpd_sender_restrictions directive.
smtpd_sender_restrictions =
Am I close?
LuKreme wrote, On 3/13/09 11:53 AM:
On 13-Mar-2009, at 09:04, Jorey Bump wrote:
For the people still supporting the antiquated model of accepting mail
submission via SMTP rather than a proper port 587 daemon, it is
important to make allowances for the fact that MUA's frequently have no
better c
John G. Heim wrote:
I want to make sure that any messages my system sends out always has a
sender of someb...@math.wisc.edu. I am looking at configuring the
smtpd_sender_restrictions directive.
smtpd_sender_restrictions =
Am I close?
Long time since I last deployed a postfix server, and things used to be
much simpler. :) Now I have set a Ubuntu 8.04 server to work as an
anti-spam/anti-virus gateway. Messages will be sent to amavis via
domain.tld smtp:
and amavis will deliver the mes
Jorey Bump wrote, On 3/13/09 12:40 PM:
Sasa wrote, at 03/13/2009 11:35 AM:
On current mail server I have:
[r...@mail ~]# file /etc/sasldb2
/etc/sasldb2: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 8, native byte-order)
on new mail server I have:
[r...@mail ~]# file /etc/sasldb2
/etc/sasldb2: Berkeley DB (Has
On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 12:40:37 -0400 Jorey Bump wrote:
>Sasa wrote, at 03/13/2009 11:35 AM:
>> On current mail server I have:
>> [r...@mail ~]# file /etc/sasldb2
>> /etc/sasldb2: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 8, native byte-order)
>> on new mail server I have:
>> [r...@mail ~]# file /etc/
Thanks very much for your help.
Do the directives you give below work if the mta is accepting incoming mail
- Original Message -
From: "Noel Jones"
To: "John G. Heim" ;
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: reject outgoiong mail not from domain of host
John G.
John G. Heim wrote:
Thanks very much for your help.
Do the directives you give below work if the mta is accepting incoming
mail too?
Please don't top post, it makes the archives hard to follow.
Yes, the example I gave should work fine with "internet" mail.
It allows any mail addressed to you
Is there any way to configure postfix to execute a shell script
as the action on a content inspection class?
Joseph L. Casale wrote:
Is there any way to configure postfix to execute a shell script
as the action on a content inspection class?
No. Probably the closest you can get is a FILTER action that
will route the mail thorough a custom pipe transport that
calls a script. Note FILTE
On 13-Mar-2009, at 10:49, Bill Cole wrote:
Hi Bill! Postfix is a little more complicated than SIMS, isn't it :)
If you have a good port 587 config in master.cf, you may need no
changes there. My submission entry for a server that accepts no port
25 submission from outside the LAN is:
LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 04:26 PM:
> On 13-Mar-2009, at 10:49, Bill Cole wrote:
>> If you have a good port 587 config in master.cf, you may need no
>> changes there. My submission entry for a server that accepts no port
>> 25 submission from outside the LAN is:
>> submissioninetn
On Friday, March 13, 2009 at 15:39 CET,
Tjerk Jan Vonk wrote:
> I have an configuration issue with postfix. I want to have multiple
> deliveryagents (configured in master.cf) in one domain.
> The virtual users are stored in ldap and must be delivered to zarafa.
> There are also some Public F
I have an Postfix as gateway for other domains (domain1, domain2, domain3).
When domain1 send an e-mail to domain2, it goes to Postfix and then to
domain2, and vice-versa.
When domain2 send an e-mail to Internet, it goes to Postfix and then
do the Internet.
I want to know where to put the IPs
I have two IP addresses on my server and would like to serve a different SSL
(TLS) certificate for each one. I think all the other configuration will not
need to differ between the two, so I think running multiple instances of
postfix would be overkill (?).
I want to confirm that it w
email builder:
> Hello,
> I have two IP addresses on my server and would like to serve a different SSL
> (TLS) certificate for each one. I think all the other configuration will not
> need to differ between the two, so I think running multiple instances of
> postfix would be overkill (?).
i've setup my mailsystem a while ago and query MySQL and LDAP vor address and
domain mappings.
Since both of them (database and directory) are more likely to be down of many
reasons (network, connection overload etc.) i want to add a "backup" with hash
files (hash:/some/file).
To reduce
> > I have two IP addresses on my server and would like to serve a different
> > SSL
> (TLS) certificate for each one. I think all the other configuration will not
> need to differ between the two, so I think running multiple instances of
> postfix
> would be overkill (?).
> >
> > I want
C. V. wrote:
i've setup my mailsystem a while ago and query MySQL and LDAP vor address and domain mappings.
Since both of them (database and directory) are more likely to be down of many reasons
(network, connection overload etc.) i want to add a "backup" with hash files
LuKreme a écrit :
> I have the following helo restriction in a pcre file:
> !/[[:alpha:]]/REJECT helo non-alpha helo not allowed
> I ran it with WARN for quite a while and didn't see any legitimate
> messages that hit it, so I moved it to REJECT. However, my mailserver
C. V. a écrit :
> Hi,
> i've setup my mailsystem a while ago and query MySQL and LDAP vor address and
> domain mappings.
> Since both of them (database and directory) are more likely to be down of
> many reasons (network, connection overload etc.) i want to add a "backup"
> with hash file
Jorey Bump wrote:
LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 04:26 PM:
On 13-Mar-2009, at 10:49, Bill Cole wrote:
If you have a good port 587 config in master.cf, you may need no
changes there. My submission entry for a server that accepts no port
25 submission from outside the LAN is:
email builder:
> > > I have two IP addresses on my server and would like to serve a different
> > > SSL
> > (TLS) certificate for each one. I think all the other configuration will
> > not
> > need to differ between the two, so I think running multiple instances of
> > postfix
> > would b
Sahil Tandon wrote, at 03/13/2009 08:36 PM:
> Jorey Bump wrote:
>> LuKreme wrote, at 03/13/2009 04:26 PM:
>>> On 13-Mar-2009, at 10:49, Bill Cole wrote:
If you have a good port 587 config in master.cf, you may need no
changes there. My submission entry for a server that accepts no por
> > > > I have two IP addresses on my server and would like to serve a
> > > > different
> > > (TLS) certificate for each one. I think all the other configuration will
> not
> > > need to differ between the two, so I think running multiple instances of
> postfix
> > > would be over
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