On 11/3/2022 1:24 PM, Alex wrote:
In my rush between projects, I not only confused sqlgrey with
postscreen, but I also forgot that I already have a postscreen
section as well:
postscreen_access_list =
ok spf white/blacklisting is handled in policy-spf.conf
mine is found here
# ll | grep spf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel uarch4B Sep 14 04:24 python-policyd-spf
[14:59:30] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /etc
# cd python-policyd-spf
[14:59:37] mail18.scom.ca [root:0] /etc/python-policyd-spf
# l
> > This appears to indicate that generalatlantic.com is using the workday
> > service to send email, but the generalatlantic.com SPF record does not
> > include myworkday.com on the list of authorized senders.
> >
> > I've added the following to my sqlgrey FQDN whitelisting entries, but
> > so
> Hi,
> I'm using sqlgrey for my greylisting service and having trouble with a
> particular entry. I need to make sure email from this sender doesn't get
> blocked, so would like to confirm that I can add something to my recipient
> restrictions to bypass the SPF check for this domain.
On 11/3/2022 9:00 AM, Alex wrote:
I'm using sqlgrey for my greylisting service and having trouble with
a particular entry. I need to make sure email from this sender
doesn't get blocked, so would like to confirm that I can add
something to my recipient restrictions to bypass the SPF check
I'm using sqlgrey for my greylisting service and having trouble with a
particular entry. I need to make sure email from this sender doesn't get
blocked, so would like to confirm that I can add something to my recipient
restrictions to bypass the SPF check for this domain.
Nov 2 18:02:30 armo