On 11/3/2022 1:24 PM, Alex wrote:

In my rush between projects, I not only confused sqlgrey with postscreen, but I also forgot that I already have a postscreen section as well:

postscreen_access_list =

I've added it there as well, but I'm not sure I understand the priorities. Adding the check_client_access or check_sender_access would be consulted before postscreen? Is the postscreen_access_list just another way of segmenting the checks?

Rule of thumb: For a message to be accepted, it must be accepted in every stage - postscreen, smtpd_*_restrictions, policy services, milters. For a message to be rejected, it can be rejected once anywhere in the chain.

So even if a client is allowed in postscreen, it can still be rejected by a later test.

You'll need to list the IP in postscreen, then also list the IP in a check_client_access map before your policy services.

  -- Noel Jones

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