> Luigi Rosa a ?crit :
> > Markus Sch?nhaber said the following on 10/01/09 13:35:
> >
> >> Is there something wrong with the server / anyone else seeing this?
I typo-ed in the source file.
Bad: Specify a value > 0 and < 65536 to enable this feature.
Good:Specify a value > 0 and < 65536
Luigi Rosa a écrit :
> Markus Schönhaber said the following on 10/01/09 13:35:
>> Is there something wrong with the server / anyone else seeing this?
> Confirmed here (ADSL connection in Italy with British Telecom).
> Same problem with Firefox on Linux, Firefox on Windows and MSIE7, latest
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Markus Schönhaber said the following on 10/01/09 13:35:
> Is there something wrong with the server / anyone else seeing this?
Confirmed here (ADSL connection in Italy with British Telecom).
Same problem with Firefox on Linux, Firefox on Windows and
When trying to read
the document is truncated and ends in middle of the description of
defer_service_name. Since this happens from different networks, I doubt
the problem is on my side.
Is there something wrong with the server / anyone else seeing this?