> On May 20, 2016, at 1:42 PM, Noel Jones wrote:
> The cidr: map is quite efficient.
> IIRC the last time someone performance tested the cidr: map type,
> performance stayed high even with 10's of thousands of entries. (or
> was it 100's of thousands?? whatever... it was a lot)
> You're
time to get them added to an RBL) - but if
there’s no foreseeable performance impact - I’d like to not worry about keeping
it pruned.
Brandon Applegate - CCIE 10273
PGP Key fingerprint:
830B 4802 1DD4 F4F9 63FE B966 C0A7 189E 9EC0 3A74
"SH1-0151. This is the serial number, o