[PLUG] DebConf23 - Call for sponsors

2023-05-23 Thread Sahil Dhiman via plug-mail
ising/debconf23_sponsorship_flyer_en.pdf [6]: https://media.debconf.org/dc23/fundraising/debconf23_sponsorship_brochure_en.pdf Cheers! Sahil Dhiman, for DebConf23 fundraising team ___ plug-mail mailing list plug-mail@plug.org.in http://list.plug.org.in/listinfo/plug-mail

[PLUG] Announcing LibreOffice India Community

2022-03-19 Thread Sahil Dhiman via plug-mail
Hi everyone, Announcing the communication channels for the LibreOffice India community - to help spread the word about LibreOffice, and build the community in the country: https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2022/03/19/join-the-indian-libreoffice-community/ Thanks -- Sahil Dhiman https

Re: [PLUG] DebConf21 Call for Proposals, now submit talks in Indian languages as well

2021-06-19 Thread Sahil Dhiman via plug-mail
als: https://debconf21.debconf.org/talks/new/ Poster: https://pleroma.debian.social/media/63bfedd26862575085a26f365b83eb5a0856154bf065706caa09ddaeaee42d5c.jpeg A gentle reminder; the last date for proposal submission is tomorrow, 20th June. Regards, Sahil Dhiman __

[PLUG] DebConf21 Call for Proposals, now submit talks in Indian languages as well

2021-06-15 Thread Sahil Dhiman via plug-mail
als: https://debconf21.debconf.org/talks/new/ Poster: https://pleroma.debian.social/media/63bfedd26862575085a26f365b83eb5a0856154bf065706caa09ddaeaee42d5c.jpeg See you all at DebConf21! Regards, Sahil Dhiman ___ plug-mail mailing list plug-mail@plug.o

Re: [PLUG] Schedule for MiniDebConf India 2021 out

2021-01-22 Thread Sahil Dhiman
he conference thanks. > You can directly view the talk here after the event has started [1], or view specific room/venue stream for Buzz here [2] and Rex here [3]. [1] https://in2021.mini.debconf.org/ [2] https://in2021.mini.debconf.org/schedule/venue/4/ [3] https://in2021.mini.debconf.org/sch

[PLUG] Schedule for MiniDebConf India 2021 out

2021-01-19 Thread Sahil Dhiman
Hey folks, The schedule for MiniDebConf India 2021 is out [1]. We have 40+ talks, workshops and BoFs in English, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu and Marathi. There's something for each and everyone. Do join in the celebration of Debian and Free Software on 23-24 January 2021. [1]: https://in2021.

[PLUG] Reminder: MiniDebConf India 2021 - Call for Proposals are open till Jan 10

2021-01-06 Thread Sahil Dhiman
Hey folks, Call for Proposals for MiniDebConf India 2021 (23rd-24th Jan) will end on Jan 10 [1]. Talks/events can be in any Indian language or English. [1] https://in2021.mini.debconf.org/contribute/cfp/ MiniDebConf India Team ___ plug-mail mailing

[PLUG] MiniDebConf India 2021, Call for Proposals

2020-12-21 Thread Sahil Dhiman
Hey Everyone, The Debian India Community is proud to bring to you our very own MiniDebConf India 2021, which is scheduled to be held on the 23rd and 24th of January 2021. Today we're officially opening our Call for Proposals for the event. Feel free to submit talks, workshops, BoFs and other

Re: [PLUG] Virtual Meetup, 4 pm on September 19

2020-10-04 Thread Sahil Dhiman
han, so clearly there's a demand. Folks, what are your thoughts on recording forthcoming online meetups and having them in a central location? Regards -- Sahil Dhiman https://blog.sahilister.tech/ ___ plug-mail mailing list plug-mail@plug

Re: [PLUG] Virtual Meetup, 4 pm on September 19

2020-09-20 Thread Sahil Dhiman
ntainers/runtime-spec https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2019/02/21/podman-and-buildah-for-docker-users/ Feel free to drop by in #pluggies on IRC for any queries. Cheers -- Sahil Dhiman https://blog.sahilister.tech/ ___ plug-mail mai

Re: [PLUG] Virtual Meetup, 4 pm on September 19

2020-09-19 Thread Sahil Dhiman
.jit.si/PLUGSept2020 Time : 4:00 PM IST Looking forward to see you People there. For any queries, feel free to contact us on #pluggies on Freenode. Regards, -- Sahil Dhiman https://blog.sahilister.tech/ ___ plug-mail mailing list plug-mail@plug.org.in http://list.plug.org.in/listinfo/plug-mail

[PLUG] Virtual Meetup, 4 pm on September 19

2020-09-15 Thread Sahil
.si/>. Link will be shared 30 mins prior on mailing list and #pluggies on freenode. Everyone is welcome. Feel free to drop by in #pluggies on freenode for any queries. Cheers -- Sahil Dhiman https://blog.sahilister.tech/ ___ plug-mail mailing list plu

[PLUG] Comic on how HTTPS and DNS works

2020-09-15 Thread Sahil
Greetings, Recently I came across this website which explains how HTTPS works, in a comic - https://howhttps.works/ . A DNS counterpart can be found here - https://howdns.works/ Regards -- Sahil Dhiman https://blog.sahilister.tech/ ___ plug-mail

[PLUG] Virtual PLUG Meeting, Jitsi Link

2020-08-16 Thread Sahil
e. Regards, -- Sahil Dhiman https://blog.sahilister.tech/ ___ plug-mail mailing list plug-mail@plug.org.in http://list.plug.org.in/listinfo/plug-mail

Re: [PLUG] Let's have an online PLUG meet!

2020-07-25 Thread Sahil
IRC setup/bouncer. Adding to what Dhanesh said, if you start directly on Matrix/Element, this guide is a good starter - https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/Guide:-How-to-use-Matrix-to-participate-in-IRC-rooms Regards, -- Sahil Dhiman IRC - sahilis