Greetings folks,
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group (PLUG) is hosting a virtual meetup for the
month of September.
1. Introductions - 15 min approx
2. Talk and QnA- 60 min
3. Show and Tell, General Discussions - 15 min approx
Talk Details:
Revisiting Containers by Gaurav Sitlani
Abstract -
1. Introduction to cgroups
2. Creating container from scratch
3. Container technologies (ex. Docker, Kubernetes)
4. Introduction to Podman
Meetup Details:
Date - 19th September
Time - 04:00 pm IST
Venue - Online, Jitsi Meet <>. Link will be
shared 30 mins prior on mailing list and #pluggies on freenode.
Everyone is welcome. Feel free to drop by in #pluggies on freenode for
any queries.
Sahil Dhiman
plug-mail mailing list