Processing control commands:
> tag -1 pending
Bug #878182 [systemd] systemd: Should stop creating systemd-bus-proxy user
Added tag(s) pending.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
Control: tag -1 pending
Michael Biebl [2017-10-11 18:41 +0200]:
> This one seems safe. v232 from stretch no longer ships the
> systemd-bus-proxyd service, so we can safely drop the useradd call and
> remove the obsolete system user account.
Agreed. Done in git.
Processing control commands:
> tag -1 pending
Bug #878183 [systemd-journal-remote] systemd-journal-remote: Should stop
creating systemd-journal-gateway user
Added tag(s) pending.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Control: tag -1 pending
Martin Pitt [2017-10-11 22:37 +0200]:
> if there's any doubt in whether it's safe to remove, I think it's okay to not
> bother -- after all, a DynamicUser= unit will still use the existing system
> user if it exists, so there isn't that much gain in cleaning it up.
Done in
Processing commands for
> tag 878965 pending
Bug #878965 [systemd] systemd spam syslog with Detaching egress BPF program
from cgroup failed: Invalid argument
Added tag(s) pending.
> tag 880026 pending
Bug #880026 [src:systemd] systemd: CVE-2017-15908
Added tag(s) pending.
Package: udev
Version: 232-25+deb9u1
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
The stretch README.Debian.gz for udev omits mention that
update-initramfs -u must be run after changing configuration files
when converting to the new "predictable network interface names".
Attached is a patch which clarifies
Am 14.11.2017 um 23:46 schrieb Karl O. Pinc:
> Package: udev
> Version: 232-25+deb9u1
> Severity: normal
> Tags: patch
> Hi,
> The stretch README.Debian.gz for udev omits mention that
> update-initramfs -u must be run after changing configuration files
> when converting to the new "predictabl
On Wed, 15 Nov 2017 01:08:06 +0100
Michael Biebl wrote:
> Am 14.11.2017 um 23:46 schrieb Karl O. Pinc:
> > The stretch README.Debian.gz for udev omits mention that
> > update-initramfs -u must be run after changing configuration files
> > when converting to the new "predictable network interface