Re: [Pharo-users] Regression with PNGReaderWriter in P6

2017-06-18 Thread kmo
Just to confirm - I've tried it - works fine in Linux 32 bit VM - but fails with the 64 bit VM -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

[Pharo-users] VoyageMongo not working in Pharo 6?

2017-07-14 Thread kmo
I just had a quick tryout of VoyageMongo in Pharo 6 and VOMongoRepository>>save:anObject fails because UUIDGenerator does not have the method makeSeed. UUIDGenerator >> makeSeed was present in pharo 5. It's not there in pharo 6. I installed from the Catalog browser where VoyageMongo is listed as

Re: [Pharo-users] VoyageMongo not working in Pharo 6?

2017-07-14 Thread kmo
Is this what you wanted? ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo>>stable: stable: spec spec for: #'common' version: '1.4'. spec for: #'pharo1.4.x' version: '1.1.1'. spec for: #'pharo2.0.x' version: '1.2.7'. spec for: #'pharo3.x' version: '1.3.1'. spec for: #

Re: [Pharo-users] VoyageMongo not working in Pharo 6?

2017-07-14 Thread kmo
Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] In Praise of the Very Best Programming Language

2017-07-21 Thread kmo
You've done a great job in promoting smalltalk and pharo. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] Is it possible to change the Pharo application title bar?

2017-07-23 Thread kmo
DisplayScreen hostWindowTitle: 'your title' works on Windows and Mac (I think) but does NOT work on Linux. This is a sore point with me as I reported the bug (12231) ages ago and someone very kindly wrote a fix - but it was never applied because no one knew how to apply it!!! So the bug was close

[Pharo-users] Usability issues with Calypso

2017-09-01 Thread kmo
I have been keen to use Calypso (I love the way it shows inherited methods) as my browser but I am finding some usability issues. It may be just me but some things I find off-putting. I don't really like the way that adding a new class is done by a new tab that appears now and then in the editing

Re: [Pharo-users] Usability issues with Calypso

2017-09-02 Thread kmo
Thanks for the information. I'm sure Calypso is going to be brilliant. -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Usability issues with Calypso

2017-09-08 Thread kmo
If Tim had not posted this comment - "I love the fact you can move to a new method with unsaved changes and no nag prompt".- I would never have known that it was possible to do this. Since I always save my methods before moving on I had never experienced this behaviour. I think this is an another

Re: [Pharo-users] Usability issues with Calypso

2017-09-15 Thread kmo
You say The current behaviour is trying to be close to single source pane behaviour of old browsers. I think that's a bit of the problem. For me, nautilus is a single source pane browser and it looks like a single source pane browser. Calypso looks like something else - it looks like a typical ta

[Pharo-users] Roasssal not working on Windows with Pharo 6.1

2017-09-23 Thread kmo
Is it just me or my systems but is there a major problem with Roassal on Pharo 6.1 on Windows? At work on my Windows 7 machine, Roassal installs from the catalog browser but the examples will not run. I get an error - External module not found. it seems to be looking for the Surface dll which is d

Re: [Pharo-users] Roasssal not working on Windows with Pharo 6.1

2017-09-23 Thread kmo
No luck. I cannot say whether this fixes the problem on Windows 7 because I'm not at work. But roassal will not install on my Windows 10 laptop. Other items from the Catalog Browser install OK. So it's a problem with Roassal in particular. -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Roasssal not working on Windows with Pharo 6.1

2017-09-23 Thread kmo
All looks OK to me. No font issues. -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Roasssal not working on Windows with Pharo 6.1

2017-09-24 Thread kmo
Many thanks. I tried this and it worked fine and Roassal installs and runs. I then typed the same gofer command into my original Pharo 6.1 directory and I got an error - #withSqueakLineEndings was sent to nil. Perhaps that's a clue to what was going wrong. -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Roasssal not working on Windows with Pharo 6.1

2017-10-01 Thread kmo
Roassal is working Ok on my Wndows 10 laptop now. But on my 32-bit Windows 7 PC at work it still does not work. Here's the steps to reproduce: ) Download whole Pharo 6.1 Windows package from 2) Unzip it and open it by running Pharo.exe (not the .i

Re: [Pharo-users] Roasssal not working on Windows with Pharo 6.1

2017-10-02 Thread kmo
The problem is fixed now. I loaded up pharo at lunchtime and all the roassal images worked perfectly. No problems at all. But I had done nothing. No changes at all. The only thing I can think of is that I may have rebooted since the last time I ran pharo. But I'm not sure. So it's all still a myste

[Pharo-users] ZnClient in Pharo 6.1 not working for Https on Windows

2017-10-06 Thread kmo
I was trying to Soup on Windows 7 and found I could not access https sites On windows 7 and 10 the following code fails: ZnEasy get:''. This works fine in Pharo 5 on Windows. Also works fine with Pharo 6.1 (32 bit) on Linux. The problem is Pharo 6.1 on Wind

Re: [Pharo-users] [Ann] PharoLauncher v1.0.1 released!

2017-10-06 Thread kmo
This is great. Absolutely love it. -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] ZnClient in Pharo 6.1 not working for Https on Windows

2017-10-06 Thread kmo
Thanks. I re-extracted SqueakSSL.dll from the zip file and now it works! -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] Breakpoints in Pharo

2017-12-27 Thread kmo
Just tried it in Pharo 6.1 on Linux 32 bit. Breakpoints work. So presumably this is a Pharo on Windows issue. -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] New version of PharoSound

2013-08-04 Thread kmo
I've always wanted to try sound out in Pharo - just for fun. But I've never had even a squeak (pardon the pun) out of Pharo. This is all the more strange since Pharo comes from Squeak and Squeak was touted as a multimedia system and I remember having sound on Squeak when I first looked at it years

Re: [Pharo-users] New version of PharoSound

2013-08-06 Thread kmo
Thanks for the help. As far as I can see the guide to setting it up is simply to copy the pulse audio plugin from Squeak into the Pharo folder. I have tried this and SoundPlayer boinkScale now actually works! This is further than I've ever got so many thanks. However, FMSound organ1 play does no

[Pharo-users] Seaside JQuery Ajax processing question

2013-08-25 Thread kmo
Can anyone help with a Seaside jQuery ajax issue? I want to change the contents of a div when the mouse goes over a document element by means of an ajax call. In this example, I have rendered a list of words as spans (one span per word). When the mouse goes over any span, I want to show the dicti

Re: [Pharo-users] Seaside JQuery Ajax processing question

2013-08-25 Thread kmo
Stephan - Thanks. Latency is not an issue and besides I'm as interested in the principle as I am in this example. I obviously need to do more research. Thanks for the pointers. Ken -- View this message in context:

Re: [Pharo-users] Seaside JQuery Ajax processing question

2013-08-26 Thread kmo
Thanks Stephan. I'll post questions there. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

[Pharo-users] Deploying a polymorph app - two questions

2013-11-23 Thread kmo
I have written a small Polymorph application in Pharo 2.0. I have some questions about deploying it. My app consists of a single morph. I would like to fill the pharo window with the morph and have the morph resize when the user resizes the pharo window. I'm pretty close to what I want. I have ma

Re: [Pharo-users] Deploying a polymorph app - two questions

2013-11-23 Thread kmo
Benjamin - Many thanks. Your suggestion of World submorphs do: [:e | e delete ] was just what I needed to get rid of the taskbar. However, DisplayScreen hostWindowTitle does not work for me. I'm not using Spec but surely that should make no difference. Is it a platform bug (I'm on ubuntu 13.

Re: [Pharo-users] Deploying a polymorph app - two questions

2013-11-23 Thread kmo
Does not work in pharo 3.0 either on my ubuntu system. My VM is dated 13/03/2013. I don't think I'm using a particularly old one. Ken -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users m

Re: [Pharo-users] Deploying a polymorph app - two questions

2013-11-24 Thread kmo
Done. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

[Pharo-users] Pharo and the Morphic one window limitation

2014-01-11 Thread kmo
i was just wondering whether there were any /definite/ plans to free Morphic from the one window restriction - apart from the obvious/ it will be done when someone gets the time/ inclination/ money to do it/? Is this something we can expect in Pharo 4.0 or 5.0 or 6.0? The current limitation is no

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo and the Morphic one window limitation

2014-01-11 Thread kmo
I had a quick look at Mars and thought it was fantastic! I was really impressed by the demo. is Mars still being improved/ developed? I haven't heard anything new for a couple of months. Ken -- View this message in context:

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo and the Morphic one window limitation

2014-01-11 Thread kmo
It's called Phobos. Thanks, but my question was a general one - I wasn't looking for an immediate alternative to Morphic. Ken -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing li

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Spec documentation in PFTE book finished

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
The Spec documentation is very good /as far as it goes/. As a native speaker, I would say the English is excellent, though the tone is rather dry and technical. Generally, I think it is well written and very helpful. That's not the issue. The real problem is that this documentation is no more than

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Spec documentation in PFTE book finished

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
I would be happy to write some Spec documentation - when I start to understand it better. I've gained some idea of how the TreeModel works so perhaps i could do something on that and you could roll it into the Spec documentation somewhere. Just a suggestion. Meanwhile expect a barrage of questions

[Pharo-users] Spec and Morphs

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
I looked at Spec when it was first introduced. Then I left it alone until now when the API is more stable. I seem to recall that when Spec was first introduced I was able to simply add arbitrary Morphs to the Composable model layout. In the latest Spec, I do not seem able to do this. Is this just

[Pharo-users] Spec model attributes - is there a strategy

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
I was wondering about how the attributes of Spec models are decided on. Why does LabelModel have no font attribute? It seems obvious to me that a label should have a font. Why should LabelModel have no font attribute but an emphasis attribute? Why are we able to specify a font for a header in Tree

[Pharo-users] TextModel and TextInputFieldModel font-size bug?

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
When I create an interface in Spec with TextModel or TextInputFieldModel, the font-size is tiny. Same behaviour in both Windows and Linux. Is this a bug or have I missed something important? -- View this message in context: http://forum.wo

Re: [Pharo-users] TextModel and TextInputFieldModel font-size bug?

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
Yes - thanks. Seems the model is based on PluggableTextFieldMorph - and /PluggableTextFieldMorph new openInWindow/ gives the same tiny font. Must be due to a default font size somewhere. But isn't atha bug in itself? Shouldn't it default to the standard text size of the interface theme? -- View

Re: [Pharo-users] Spec and Morphs

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
Great. Just what I wanted. Many thanks. But consider putting it in the spec documentation - I think it's an important thing to know. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.c

Re: [Pharo-users] TextModel and TextInputFieldModel font-size bug?

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
I think I'm using a completely vanilla Pharo 3. Haven't changed a thing: -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mail

Re: [Pharo-users] TextModel and TextInputFieldModel font-size bug?

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
I am using Free Type (2.4.12) though -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

[Pharo-users] How is the screenshot tool supposed to work?

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
The screenshot tool on the World menu lets you pick the entire screen or select an area. But what do you do then? The tool doesn't seem to put the image on the clipboard and it doesn't allow you to save it as a file. How is it supposed to work? -- View this message in context: http://forum.worl

Re: [Pharo-users] How is the screenshot tool supposed to work?

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
Many thanks. (Think this information could have been added as a line of text on the dialog that pops up asking you if you want an area or the entire window selected. I suppose it's meant to work by telepathy). -- View this message in context:

[Pharo-users] Spec and an application menu

2014-02-16 Thread kmo
Can someone provide example Spec code to place a menubar at the top of a window? I've been struggling with MenuModels and MenuGroups etcetera but I get something more like a pop-up menu than the typical standard main menu of an application. Any help much appreciated. -- View this message in con

Re: [Pharo-users] Spec and an application menu

2014-02-17 Thread kmo
Yes - there's no problem with menus if you use Morphs. Here's an interface that uses a ToolDockingBarMorph to implement a menu. The question is - why can't you do this in Spec? if Spec is to become the standard way to build interfaces

Re: [Pharo-users] How is the screenshot tool supposed to work?

2014-02-17 Thread kmo
Cool! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] Spec and an application menu

2014-02-18 Thread kmo
Spec can only get better and more complete as time goes on. I'm sure the effort will be turn out to be worthwhile. I'm just a bit disappointed that stuff like a menu widget is missing. It's not difficult to surmise what an application developer might want - there's probably less than a dozen basi

Re: [Pharo-users] Spec and an application menu

2014-02-20 Thread kmo
Great to see that application menus have arrived in Spec! Many thanks Benjamin. I suppose it shows how well Spec has been designed and coded that the menus could be added so quickly. -- View this message in context: Sent

Re: [Pharo-users] Spec website: nice!

2014-02-28 Thread kmo
This is really good and very well done and can only get better over time. I'd like to see a complete API and description of every Spec Model added to the site and there needs to be multiple examples so that the whole range of widgets and interface types are shown. Brilliant start, though. -

[Pharo-users] Spec problem creating dynamci UIs

2014-03-01 Thread kmo
I'm probably doing this all wrong, but I have a problem creating a dynamic UI with Spec. I want a small window which shows more information when a /Show more details/ button is clicked. Here's an example. when I click /Show More/ I wa

Re: [Pharo-users] Spec problem creating dynamci UIs

2014-03-01 Thread kmo
/self extent:/ and /self window extent:/ do not work. First thing i tried. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

[Pharo-users] can we have the pharo theme back please?

2014-04-10 Thread kmo
The pharo theme seems to have been dropped from Pharo 3. I loved that theme. The first thing I always do is switch to the pharo theme. Is it still available somewhere? I really do not like the pharo 3 theme and the Watery and Vistary themes are no use on Linux. -- View this message in context:

Re: [Pharo-users] can we have the pharo theme back please?

2014-04-11 Thread kmo
Thierry - many thanks. I've got pharo theme back now. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] Dynamic example for spec

2014-04-27 Thread kmo
No one has replied to this post, so I thought I would add my two cents of wit. Many thanks for the example - any addition to the Spec documentation is really useful and I've certainly learned some stuff from your code. But I think if you are aiming to help people learn Spec, then you should add as

Re: [Pharo-users] Dynamic example for spec

2014-04-27 Thread kmo
/It was suggested that it would be good to have other examples, so I decided to try building a more business-application related one. / Stephan - That's exactly what is needed. It's pet peeve of mine that so many of the Spec examples tend to be browsers. If Pharo wants to position itself as a gen

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 3.0 Released!

2014-05-01 Thread kmo
A brilliant achievement and the new website is great too! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo3 Dark Theme is available

2014-05-02 Thread kmo
/So, will we start the longtime postponed effort of effectively replace current Morphic?/ If it breaks the current one window restriction then please please yes. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pha

[Pharo-users] Bug in Nautilus - Add Class versus Add Full Class

2014-05-02 Thread kmo
Nautilus gives you two options to create a class: /Add Class/ and /Add Full Class/. But both options give you exactly the same template to fill in. There is no difference between them. This is because the class methods /AbstractTool>>defineFullClassTemplate / and /AbstractTool>>defineClassTempla

[Pharo-users] Two suggestions for the new pharo website

2014-05-26 Thread kmo
I think the new pharo website could be improved by the addition of two new pages. Firstly, the site badly needs a "Success Stories" page. The old web site had one of these so presumably that can be added easily. You have to show newcomers that pharo can be used for something real. Look at the/ met

[Pharo-users] Phobos: Using open and save dialogs

2014-08-25 Thread kmo
Does anyone know how you use the XULRunner /open/ and/ save/ dialogs from Phobos? I need to get a filename back from the user interface into the pharo/phobos image. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Small

Re: [Pharo-users] Phobos: Using open and save dialogs

2014-08-25 Thread kmo
It's Ok I think I've got it. You can add a method like this to your main.js: function doFileOpen() { /* See: */ var nsIFilePicker = Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker; var fp = Components.classes["

Re: [Pharo-users] Phobos: Using open and save dialogs

2014-08-25 Thread kmo
Thanks, that's great. (I'm only thinking of running with client and server on the same machine at the moment). -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

[Pharo-users] Trapping the Pharo window close event

2016-04-14 Thread kmo
How do you get rid of that "Quit Pharo without saving message" that comes up when you try to close the Pharo window? I want to just let the user exit without any message or perhaps replace the message with one of my own. -- View this message in context:

Re: [Pharo-users] Trapping the Pharo window close event

2016-04-14 Thread kmo
Many thanks for that helpful and amazingly fast answer! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

[Pharo-users] Setting the pharo window title from command line

2016-04-15 Thread kmo
I want to change the title of the pharo window to "My Example Application' but the -title command line option does not seem to allow spaces in the title string. I have tried single quotes and double quotes but I always get an error if I try to set the title to more than a singe word. I have been r

[Pharo-users] Turning off Growl notifications

2016-04-15 Thread kmo
Is there an easy way to turn off the Growl notification Information - EvaluateCommandLineHandler successfully finished that comes up when an expression is evaluated on the command line? -- View this message in context: Sent

Re: [Pharo-users] Turning off Growl notifications

2016-04-16 Thread kmo
Thanks for taking a look. It's not good that there is no easy way. If you are deploying an application to a user you will almost certainly want to run some kind of startup script - and you will want to suppress any messages. Looking at the code I think I can probably overwrite an inform method so

Re: [Pharo-users] Trapping the Pharo window close event

2016-04-16 Thread kmo
As a developer you need to be able to control the program shut down. That is a given. I think I was expecting something like the Dolphin approach but it doesn't exist in pharo. Having to overwrite an existing method is not elegant but it works. A similar issue exists with Growl notifications - I

Re: [Pharo-users] Trapping the Pharo window close event

2016-04-16 Thread kmo
The Dolphin approach was described by Estaban earlier in this thread. I've never used Dolphin myself so cannot expand on it. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archi

Re: [Pharo-users] Trapping the Pharo window close event

2016-04-16 Thread kmo
/Pharo is yours, so you can add it. :)/ Yes, but I don't want to add it. I expect it to be there out of the box. I think it's quite enough work for me to add my own code on window close. I don't want to have to write the framework for doing it as well. -- View this message in context: http://

Re: [Pharo-users] Trapping the Pharo window close event

2016-04-16 Thread kmo
Well, my reply was rather tongue-in-cheek. I was mocking my own laziness and the laziness of developers like me. But really I have no problem in doing these things for myself. And I hope that soon I will be in a position to contribute to pharo myself. But overriding the close event is something an

[Pharo-users] UserManager class missing in Pharo 5

2016-04-23 Thread kmo
The UserManager class has disappeared in Pharo 5. I was using it as a convenient way to restrict what a user can do with a delivered application: UserManager currentUser permissions isRoot: false. Is the class gone for good? Is there a equivalent in Pharo 5? -- View this message in context:

Re: [Pharo-users] UserManager class missing in Pharo 5

2016-04-24 Thread kmo
I'm sure the new permissions design will be great. Pharo moves on. I'll rewrite my start up script not to use UserManager. It's not a big deal. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users

Re: [Pharo-users] Turning off Growl notifications

2016-04-30 Thread kmo
I have raised an issue for this: The issue description includes some sample code for setting up an app and disabling growl the hard way. -- View this message in context:

Re: [Pharo-users] Styling a Pharo UI application

2016-06-25 Thread kmo
Why would anyone think that a developer would/ not /want to be able to change the font size? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at

Re: [Pharo-users] standalone/runtime executable

2016-08-23 Thread kmo
<> Only if you think deployment means shipping your entire development environment to users and telling them to get on with it. Pharo is absolutely the worst language for deployment in the world. This is why, after all these years, there have only ever been three desktop applications written in i

Re: [Pharo-users] NeoJSON with Rest

2016-11-19 Thread kmo
This works for me: Say you have a class called MyObject and you want a JSON representation of it. On the *class *side of MyObject add this method: neoJsonMapping: mapper "For inheritance mapping to work, the schema/classname must be self, but the instance variables have to be enu

[Pharo-users] Launching OSWindow windows when in headless mode

2016-12-26 Thread kmo
I would like to launch my application main morph in an OS Window from a pharo image run in headless mode from the command line. But this just gives me a libSDL2 not found error. I'm using pharo 6 on linux. Is it possible to use OSWindow to open windows from a headless image? I want my main applica

Re: [Pharo-users] Launching OSWindow windows when in headless mode

2016-12-26 Thread kmo
It's strange - if I run: ./pharo -headless Pharo6App.image eval "MyApp run" then I get the error: / cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory/ But the main pharo window opens up followed by my OS WIndow. So that works fine despite the seeming error, But if I ru

Re: [Pharo-users] Launching OSWindow windows when in headless mode

2016-12-26 Thread kmo
By the way your command line : ./pharo -headless Pharo6.image eval --no-quit "OSWindowWorldMorph new open" works fine. So it must be something to do with how my window is opened. I have a method that is called from the eval command line |a| a:= AppMorph new. a extent:1000@580. a color: (Color r:

Re: [Pharo-users] Phobos and printing

2017-01-30 Thread kmo
I think Phobos is really good. It would be great to have Pharo 6 version. It's a pity about XULRunner being abandoned but all is not lost. There is a fork of Firefox that is committed to keeping XULRunner support - Pale Moon - Ken Pavel Krivanek-3 wrote > Hi Hilaire, >

Re: [Pharo-users] Phobos and printing

2017-01-31 Thread kmo
I'm afraid not. But I did start experimenting with Phobos and thought it was a very capable framework. Then I was put off a bit when it stopped being compatible with later versions of pharo. Ken HilaireFernandes wrote > Hi Ken, > Did you have former experience using Phobos for real desktop appli

Re: [Pharo-users] Phobos and printing

2017-02-01 Thread kmo
Great news! Ken Pavel Krivanek-3 wrote > So I tried to run Phobos on Pharo 6 and it is able to run fine with the > old > Json package. It only needed two simple patches. To convert Phobos to > NeoJSON will require some extra effort. In next days I will put the code > on > the Git repository. >

[Pharo-users] Strange Spec2 SpDemo and Pharolauncher bug

2020-02-01 Thread kmo
Invoking /SpDemo open/ from the playground completely locks up Pharo 8. This is strange as SpDemo runs Ok when invoked from the Help menu (Spec2 Examples) and also runs Ok when you click on the green arrow against the method in Calypso and invoke it through the pragma. The culprit is Pharolaunche

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo on a chromebook?

2020-04-01 Thread kmo
Google have an official linux environment that you can switch on in ChromeOs Settings. Should allow you to switch easily betweeen ChromeOs and Linux. -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Pharo-Mars on Ubuntu

2020-07-21 Thread kmo
I've just tried to get pharo-mars working on xubuntu 20.04. But it tells me it cannot find the GTK3 library. But the library is present here: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ I thought this was supposed to be the correct place. Should I be putting a symbolic link somewhere? -- Sent from

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo-Mars on Ubuntu

2020-07-22 Thread kmo
Thanks for the suggestion but everything is 64 bit. I added this problem to the mars github issues list (there's an existing issue for linux problems) and Esteban is now looking at it, so we're getting somewhere. The problem was I had no in the folder only a Unfortunatel

Re: [Pharo-users] Want to create a text Field using SPEC2 to get Value from User

2020-07-28 Thread kmo
This code should give you a clue of how to do what you want. You can file it in or type it in yourself. You can run it from the playground with the command - SimpleExample new openWithSpec. How it works - You need to subclass SpPresenter. You need to set up an instance method called initializePre

Re: [Pharo-users] Want to create a text Field using SPEC2 to get Value from User

2020-07-29 Thread kmo
Let's see: 'a.bat 10' works but 'a.bat', myTextField asString does NOT work. There's clearly something wrong with 'a.bat', myTextField asString - but what? As Tim says, you have to investigate. Tim has suggested a couple of ways you could investigate. Here's another - You have my code that writes

Re: [Pharo-users] Want to create a text Field using SPEC2 to get Value from User

2020-07-30 Thread kmo
You need to do two things. Firstly, you need to create a label. Secondly, you need to add it to the layout. The first bit is easy. You create the label in the initializePresenters method just like you did the button and the text field. There's a method that creates a label. If you open a system br

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo-Mars on Ubuntu

2020-08-03 Thread kmo
The library not found problem has been resolved. We are now back to a VM crash when GTK is used. Pharo-Mars is still not running on Ubuntu. For those who want the details - The library problem was caused by Ubuntu not creating a symbolic link It only has a link. When I

[Pharo-users] Pharo Mars still not working on Ubuntu

2020-10-22 Thread kmo
I see that the Pharo-Mars code has recently been split into two projects. Unfortunately this has still not fixed the problem with Ubuntu. It is still totally impossible to run pharo mars on ubuntu. Now just loading the GTK-bindings package into ubuntu causes a segfault. This is actually going back

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo Mars still not working on Ubuntu

2020-11-06 Thread kmo
Mars now loads on Ubuntu but crashes with illegal instruction when you attempt to use it. Back to where we were in late July. -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo Mars still not working on Ubuntu

2020-12-08 Thread kmo
Mars will work on Ubuntu and its derivatives when Hell freezes over. I don't think anyone even looks a the Issues log. Sound has never worked on Linux. You used to be able to get it to work by copying files from a Squeak installation, but that's in the past now as far as I know. There's an articl

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo Mars still not working on Ubuntu

2020-12-10 Thread kmo
The Mars project page says use this image and vm: curl | bash To upload the crash.dmp file to the issue log you need to rename it to crash.txt first. Good luck. -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo Mars still not working on Ubuntu

2020-12-11 Thread kmo
But if it doesn't work on older machines (if that is the case) then that's still a bug, isn't it? -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo Mars still not working on Ubuntu

2020-12-14 Thread kmo
The bug does not appear to be because I'm using an old version of Gtk. if I type dpkg -l libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 I get : +++-=---===> ii libgtk-3-0:amd64 3.24.20-0ubuntu1 amd64GTK graphical user interfac> ii libgtk2.0-

[Pharo-users] Headless VM crashing on viewing class side methods

2021-01-27 Thread kmo
I get an illegal instruction VM crash when trying to use the latest headless VM to view class side methods. I download the image and VM like this - curl | bash I open the image with ./pharo-ui Pharo.image I open a system browser and pick a class I c

[Pharo-users] Creating an SDL (OSWindow) window without showing the pharo interface

2021-02-02 Thread kmo
Does anyone know how to get an OSWindow window to open from Pharo without showing the pharo IDE? I thought the headless VM might do this. So I downloaded the latest headless VM and Pharo 9. Then if I issue the command line / pharo-ui Pharo.image eval OSWindowWorldMorph new open/ I get an SDL w

[Pharo-users] Re: Seaside disappearing under Windows

2021-04-22 Thread kmo
Hi - Firstly, have you tried asking on the Seaside forum? Might be worth doing. If it were me, I would try to see if it was a problem with my specific application or a a general seaside/windows problem. Does the Seaside demo app work? Can you write a simple Hello World seaside app. Does that wor

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