Yes - there's no problem with menus if you use Morphs. Here's an interface
that uses a ToolDockingBarMorph to implement a menu.


The question is - why can't you do this in Spec?

if Spec is to become the standard way to build interfaces then it needs to
provide a full widget set. If you constantly have to fall back on Morphs
then you might as well build the whole thing with Morphs.

I can see that one day Spec may justify the effort spent on it - we may get
the promised UI builder, we may get an OpenGL backend or a MARS backend that
allows us to build Spec interfaces with native widgets. When these things
happen we can all rejoice.

But right now I'm thinking that the effort might have been better spent on
cleaning and documenting Morphic, or removing the one window restriction, or
fully integrating MARS. 

I confess I've never really understood Spec. When I first heard about it I
assumed a Spec would be a text description of an interface, like Mozilla XUL
or Delphi DFM files. Instead Spec is just another layer of code on top of
Morphic - a layer of code that is still some way from being complete. Not
ready for prime time just yet, I'm afraid.

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