[Pharo-users] Is there anyone able to push to Github

2021-07-28 Thread Jesus Mari Aguirre
Are you able to push to github this morning? I'm not able to push in any of my pharo images from my laptop but I can push from other applications... It returns a 403 error, I changes from https to rsa keys(and added my public key to the github project) to and same result.

[Pharo-users] Re: Zinc exception logging

2021-07-28 Thread Jesus Mari Aguirre
maybe ex signalerContext errorReportOn: aStream can show you more info El lun, 26 jul 2021 a las 13:56, Esteban Maringolo () escribió: > Hi Sven, > > That's what I wanted to know, I made a quick change to it and pushed > it to the staging server (where I'm having the error), but I forgot to > sim

[Pharo-users] Re: Is there anyone able to push to Github

2021-07-28 Thread Tomohiro Oda
I got the same error and I could push by using SSH instead of HTTPS. To do that, you need to register your SSH public key to github and set your local repository to point your github repository via ssh. Key registration can be done on the settings page of your github account. Your local repository

[Pharo-users] Re: Is there anyone able to push to Github

2021-07-28 Thread Jesus Mari Aguirre
I have created the key files in OSX ssh-keygen -t rsa ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa Then I've added to my github user, account settings->ssh andCPG keys then I change the url to the ssh url like you show me git remote set-url jmari g...@github.com:USERNAME/REPOSITORY.git Start pharo image and enab

[Pharo-users] Re: Is there anyone able to push to Github

2021-07-28 Thread Tomohiro Oda
I could use iceberg via SSH in both Pharo 8 and Pharo 9 on OSX. When I check the "use custom SSH keys", I got the authentication error. If I uncheck it, it works fine. --- tomo 2021年7月28日(水) 19:10 Jesus Mari Aguirre : > > I have created the key files in OSX > > ssh-keygen -t rsa > > ssh-add -K ~/.

[Pharo-users] Re: Is there anyone able to push to Github

2021-07-28 Thread Jesus Mari Aguirre
I reset my laptop and after restoring the repo url to the https url I'm able to push...anyway https is deprecated, in any moment I should change to ssh but not today... I don't know why it hasn't worked for me. anyway lot of thanks Tomohiro Oda El mié, 28 jul 2021 a las 12:10, Jesus Mari Aguirre (

[Pharo-users] Re: Is there anyone able to push to Github

2021-07-28 Thread Jesus Mari Aguirre
Ok, I will try all the steps again later, Thanks Tomohiro! El mié, 28 jul 2021 a las 12:27, Tomohiro Oda () escribió: > I could use iceberg via SSH in both Pharo 8 and Pharo 9 on OSX. > When I check the "use custom SSH keys", I got the authentication error. > If I uncheck it, it works fine. > ---

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Hyperspace v3.0.0 [v3.0.0] released!

2021-07-28 Thread Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Hyperspace, building blocks for Internet technologies on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v3.0.0 version. Breaking changes Renamed ZnEtag to EntityTag Renamed ZnLink to WebLink Moved PortAvailabilityChecker to a package included in the Deployment group and refactoring a bit the behavior N

[Pharo-users] Updates from the trenches...

2021-07-28 Thread stephane ducasse
Hello community Just a little mail from holidays to let you know that from September on we will try a new organisation. Pharo 9 (with Covid and amount of work) was stressful for us. Seriously we deliver more than expected so we did several meta meetings (and we will continue) to understand how