Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-20 Thread Andrei Chis
Hi, We got a slightly similar error with Pharo 8 on a Linux CI when loading code quite often (but still randomly). Does it happen for you when loading code or just when opening the image? Which Pharo 8.0 build are you using? Error: External module not found ExternalLibraryFunction(Object)>>error

[Pharo-users] Techtalk December recording online

2019-12-20 Thread Marcus Denker
"Working with Spec2 and GTK" Recording: There is a playlist for all techtalk recordings here:

[Pharo-users] [ANN] Pharo Newsletter December 2019

2019-12-20 Thread Marcus Denker
The December newsletter is now online: If you have content for the next newsletter -> send me a mail. It starts to get *really* difficult to not forget something. Marcus

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-20 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, My problem is in Pharo 7 and also it happend randomly. But this time is not going away ... My Pharo 7 VM is installed in "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Pharo\vms\70-x64" If i remember correctly i have read there are some issues when is not installed in the default path. regards, bruno -- S

[Pharo-users] fileout ** ERROR! THIS SCRIPT IS MISSING **

2019-12-20 Thread PAUL DEBRUICKER
This is in Pharo 7 In a package I have a class that has methods that I can see in a browser. When I save it to an mcz file the class isn't saved in the file for the package. When I file out the class and file it back in there is a load error. The fileout has many of these errors scrip

Re: [Pharo-users] Code overview - or maybe not

2019-12-20 Thread tbrunz
Thank you, Norbert! I do recall seeing an earlier version of this, when I was investigating how to use PlantUML within Google Docs several months ago; that led me to Christopher's blog, (where I learned about Pharo's LibC class a

Re: [Pharo-users] Code overview - or maybe not

2019-12-20 Thread Kasper Østerbye
On 20 December 2019 at 19.59.05, tbrunz ( wrote: What I would find useful (and what I think Kasper has started down the road to) is the ability to generate PlantUML script from a specified (set of) packages or classes in Pharo. That would make it easy not only to examine the d

Re: [Pharo-users] Code overview - or maybe not

2019-12-20 Thread tbrunz
Excellent! I think Pharo will greatly benefit from having something like this. I push for UML tools here where I work, but it tends to fall on deaf ears. (To be fair, that's probably mainly due to few of us having the understanding of, and working with, OOD/OOP. I think both will need to change

Re: [Pharo-users] Code overview - or maybe not

2019-12-20 Thread Christopher Fuhrman
Kasper, There's a way to run PlantUML to process in a pipe (stdin/out) which gives pretty good performance for rendering: java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar plantuml.jar -pipe -tsvg -charset UTF-8 It takes a PlantUML source as input and generates the format of the file (e.g. SVG) on stdout. The

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-20 Thread BrunoBB
Hi, Any idea how to fix this problem ? regards, bruno -- Sent from:

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-20 Thread BrunoBB
The following also fail: DynamicLoader loadLibrary: 'C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Pharo\vms\70-x64\libgit2.dll' -- Sent from:

[Pharo-users] Teapot load error - ZdcPluginMissing

2019-12-20 Thread BrunoBB
Because of this: i'm trying to create a new image but i got a new error when loading Teapot: "ZdcPluginMissing: SSL/TLS plugin initailization failed (VM plugin missing ? OS libraries missing ?) " [ :exception | "Give a mor

Re: [Pharo-users] External Module not found - LGitLibrary

2019-12-20 Thread Ben Coman
On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 at 22:36, BrunoBB wrote: > Hi, > > My problem is in Pharo 7 and also it happend randomly. > > But this time is not going away ... > > My Pharo 7 VM is installed in "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\Pharo\vms\70-x64" > > If i remember correctly i have read there are some issues when