On 20 December 2019 at 19.59.05, tbrunz (wild.id...@gmail.com) wrote: What I would find useful (and what I think Kasper has started down the road to) is the ability to generate PlantUML script from a specified (set of) packages or classes in Pharo. That would make it easy not only to examine the design (in a more synoptic way -- something I've seen several other newcomers express an interest in), but also to embed diagrams in documentation such as PDFs & web pages.
I expect that to be done over the hollidays. I expect to have a working copies of - Generate object diagram from a root (I will filter on category names and subclasses) - Generate a sequence diagram by analysing a MessageTally from a block. Filter on categories, subclasses and methods Short of that, and probably much easier to implement, is to just add PlantUML script to Pharo class comments as you write them -- but have a simple way to trigger the system to parse the comment and render the script into PlantUML diagrams. This could be in the form of opening a web browser in the host and having the diagram appear via the PlantUML server. But more useful perhaps would be to have it create PNG file(s) in the host filesystem (and open them). I have that working in my image. The https://github.com/kasperosterbye/PillarRichTextRender allow pillar to be used and rendered in class and package comments. Again, in my image I have an extension which allow the [[[ … ]]] syntax of pillar (and ```of github) to use a language called ‘plantuml’, which renders the diagram in the documentation. I hope to package it all up over the holidays or early January. The same thing allow latex math to be rendered in those same comments. Best, Kasper