Hi Julien,
nice work! Could you please tell how your approach is related to
transducers from the user perspective and technically?
Your example suggests that the API is quite similar to the data flow API
of transducers. Let me show your example using t
I am learning this new "spec" thing. I created a simple Spec "list" object
with the following code:
arbitraryList := ListPresenter new.
items: #('one' 'two' 'three' 'four. . .');
title: 'Arbitrary list'.
arbitraryList openWithSpec.
Which creates a simple list like follow
Hi Steve.
This is not at all a naive question. This is partly showned in the advance
part of spec, and as it said: "ListModel can show more than just text, it
can also visualize any kind of widget."
Here is how you could do a static list of checkBox:
In your initializeWidget method, create your
Distinguishing between "pull-based" and "push-based" streams in
Smalltalk makes no sense, because
do: aBlock
[self atEnd] whileFalse: [aBlock value: self next].
is in the same protocol in the ANSI standard
as #atEnd and #next, and in most Smalltalk systems it is in
Stream. There should n
Thank you, Renaud, for explaining that. I am so glad to see that Pharo has
addressed this and made it so simple. I've seen too many UIs that fail on
this kind of thing.
Kudos to those people who created this. You nailed it!
On Sat, Aug 24, 2019, 18:31 Renaud de Villemeur
> Hi Steve.