Hi Steve. This is not at all a naive question. This is partly showned in the advance part of spec, and as it said: "ListModel can show more than just text, it can also visualize any kind of widget."
Here is how you could do a static list of checkBox: In your initializeWidget method, create your checkbox: item1 := self newCheckBox label: 'label1'; help: 'help1'; yourself. item2 := self newCheckBox label: 'label2; help: 'help2'; yourself. item3 := self newCheckBox label: 'label3'; help: 'help3'; yourself. You can then create and display your list: projectList := (self instantiate: ListPresenter) displayBlock: [ :x | x buildWithSpec ]; items: {item1 . item2 . item3}; yourself. And your defaultSpec can be as simple as: defaultSpec [ ^ SpecLayout composed add: #projectList; yourself ] Hope this helps. Renaud Le sam. 24 août 2019 à 14:53, Steve Quezadas <steve...@gmail.com> a écrit : > Guys, > > I am learning this new "spec" thing. I created a simple Spec "list" object > with the following code: > arbitraryList := ListPresenter new. > arbitraryList > items: #('one' 'two' 'three' 'four. . .'); > title: 'Arbitrary list'. > arbitraryList openWithSpec. > > Which creates a simple list like follows: > https://steverstuff.s3.amazonaws.com/arbitrary_list.png > > Is there any way to make a SpecPresenter object with an arbitrary list of > checkboxes? Kind of like a check-off list? > > What is the best way of doing this? Should I put checkbox objects in the > "items:" selector? Or is there another way to do it? > > Please forgive the naive question. >