[Pharo-users] Return value of a FFI call to a external function is its 2`s complement

2017-10-30 Thread Paulo R. Dellani
Dear uFFI experts, I am dealing with the port of the ZeroMQ code to Pharo 6 and found something unexpected to me, at least: Zmq4Api>>apiZmqMsgRecv: message socket: socket withFlags: flags     ^ self ffiCall: #(long zmq_msg_recv (ZmqApiMessage* messag

Re: [Pharo-users] Return value of a FFI call to a external function is its 2`s complement

2017-10-30 Thread Paulo R. Dellani
P.S.: some details of the setup follow. pharo --version: 5.0-201707201942  Thu Jul 20 20:40:54 UTC 2017 gcc 4.6.3 [Production Spur 64-bit VM] CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2254 uuid: 4f2c2cce-f4a2-469a-93f1-97ed941df0ad Jul 20 2017 StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2252 uuid: 2f3e9b

Re: [Pharo-users] Return value of a FFI call to a external function is its 2`s complement

2017-10-30 Thread Dimitris Chloupis
I have no idea what you mean by "2's complement" In any case bare in mind that UFFI has a limited range of C types that does support. Here you use 2 custom types , ZmqApiMessage and ZmqApiSocket , both are pointers because of * . Now these types are definetly not included with UFFI so if you have

Re: [Pharo-users] Return value of a FFI call to a external function is its 2`s complement

2017-10-30 Thread Paulo R. Dellani
"Two`s complement" is one possible way to represent signed integers in binary form (1). When the message apiZmqMsgRecv: message socket: socket withFlags: flagsis sent, as shown in my prior message, a function from libzmq, zmq_msg_recv (2) is called and the return value should be either the number

Re: [Pharo-users] Return value of a FFI call to a external function is its 2`s complement

2017-10-30 Thread Dimitris Chloupis
Ah ok I know that one, just did not know it was named "two's complement" , looks to me normal error. I have seen this value many times in case of errors while debugging C code with GBP It returns error probably because of the reason I outlined in my previous reply. On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 3:51 PM

Re: [Pharo-users] Return value of a FFI call to a external function is its 2`s complement

2017-10-30 Thread teso...@gmail.com
Hi, the problem is that the Zq function has the following signature: int zmq_msg_recv (zmq_msg_t *msg, void *socket, int flags); And in your ffiCall you are putting #long. You should use the correct size of integers, as the binary numbers need to extend the size when they are negatives. 0x

Re: [Pharo-users] Return value of a FFI call to a external function is its 2`s complement

2017-10-30 Thread Paulo R. Dellani
Hi Pablo, correcting the type declaration in the ffiCall solved the problem, thanks! Cheers, Paulo On 10/30/2017 05:24 PM, teso...@gmail.com wrote: > Hi,  >  the problem is that the Zq function has the following signature: > > int zmq_msg_recv (zmq_msg_t *msg, void *socket, int flags); > > And

[Pharo-users] Microsoft COM

2017-10-30 Thread Ben Coman
Hi Pablo, At work I managed to remote control Internet Explorer with Excel VBA like this... [1] http://www.automateexcel.com/vba/automate-internet-explorer and went looking for how similar might be achieved from Pharo. IIUC I discovered this would be done via Microsoft's Component Object Model,

[Pharo-users] Pharo 6.1

2017-10-30 Thread Викентий Потапов
I've just downloaded Pharo 6.1 from pharo.org, unzipped it and started. And i've got an error: "UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" Whether i save image or not, every time i start it i get the same error. System: win 7 professional x64 on 6-core Athlon Phenom. Locale: russian (cyril

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 6.1

2017-10-30 Thread Todd Blanchard
I was just preparing a similar post. Just downloaded latest Pharo 6.1-64 for Mac I was greeted with a walkback when it failed to create directory /private/var/folders/ks/wg6l98bj64q6hgvs23wwqyprgn/T/AppTranslocation/DAA5EA3A-374D-4ADE-9E04-BBB7433BB6C8/d/Pharo6.1-64.app/Contents/Resources

Re: [Pharo-users] Pharo 6.1

2017-10-30 Thread Ben Coman
On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 3:27 AM, Викентий Потапов wrote: > > I've just downloaded Pharo 6.1 from pharo.org, unzipped it and started. > And i've got an error: > "UTF8InvalidText: Invalid utf8 input detected" > > Whether i save image or not, every time i start it i get the same error. > > System: w

Re: [Pharo-users] UK Smalltalk User Group Meeting - Monday, October 30th - PharoLambda: Smalltalk running serverless on AWS

2017-10-30 Thread Tim Mackinnon
I promised to give a little summary of the meetup. After some initial “smalltalk” (in the talking sense - where we covered chrome books, cloud development, squeakjs and how you might develop in smalltalk on a Chromebook in a web world…. I did say smalltalk right)…. I did a quick intro to the co