 the problem is that the Zq function has the following signature:

int zmq_msg_recv (zmq_msg_t *msg, void *socket, int flags);

And in your ffiCall you are putting #long.

You should use the correct size of integers, as the binary numbers need to
extend the size when they are negatives.

0xFFFFFFFF is a valid positive for a long, but a -1 for an int.


On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>

> Ah ok I know that one, just did not know it was named "two's complement" ,
> looks to me normal error. I have seen this value many times in case of
> errors while debugging C code with GBP
> It returns error probably because of the reason I outlined in my previous
> reply.
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 3:51 PM Paulo R. Dellani <dell...@pobox.com>
> wrote:
>> "Two`s complement" is one possible way to represent signed integers in
>> binary form (1).
>> When the message apiZmqMsgRecv: message socket: socket withFlags: flags is
>> sent, as
>> shown in my prior message, a function from libzmq, zmq_msg_recv (2) is
>> called
>> and the return value should be either the number of bytes in the received
>> message
>> or -1, in case of an error. Well, I was expecting to get a -1 as return
>> value when
>> calling the function in non-blocking mode, but it returns 0xFFFFFFFF,
>> which happens
>> to be the 2's complement representation of -1. At least the old code for
>> libZMQ
>> was not expecting that.
>> Cheers, Paulo
>> (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two's_complement
>> (2) http://api.zeromq.org/4-2:zmq-msg-recv
>> On 10/30/2017 02:13 PM, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>> I have no idea what you mean by "2's complement"
>> In any case bare in mind that UFFI has a limited range of C types that
>> does support. Here you use 2 custom types , ZmqApiMessage and ZmqApiSocket
>> , both are pointers because of * . Now these types are definetly not
>> included with UFFI so if you have not done so you will have to
>> 1) Define a class that inherits from FFIExternalObject and make sure your
>> class handles the pointer properly
>> 2) Replace the custom type with an equivelant type that is supported by
>> The type of the pointer does not affect the pointer itself, usually, but
>> rather the data it points to. So a pointer knows from it type that the data
>> consumes a x amount of bytes and is of specific type , this can help also
>> with indexing as C arrays are nothing more than a pointer that uses the
>> index as an offset depending on its type of x amount of bytes.
>> So its crucial that you get these right or else you going have some super
>> weird results and even crashes.
>> Because if you use improper types the pointer will give access to an area
>> of memory bigger or smaller than the inteded type . Smaller will give you
>> corrupted data (you will be missing bytes of data), bigger may crash
>> because it may extend to area of memory not allowed to access.
>> Technically speaking you can use even incorrect types if you know what
>> you doing because UFFI pointers have great flexibility allowing you define
>> real time the excact position of the memory and the range.
>> Bare in mind that C is a high level language (and not low level as many
>> incorrect assume) and deal with types that is NOT a low level concept
>> (excepts types that have to do only with the size/ amount of bits) . So the
>> type gives crucial information to C how exactly to access the memory.
>> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 2:03 PM Paulo R. Dellani <dell...@pobox.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear uFFI experts,
>>> I am dealing with the port of the ZeroMQ
>>> <http://smalltalkhub.com/#%21/%7Epanuw/zeromq> code to Pharo 6 and
>>> found
>>> something unexpected to me, at least:
>>> Zmq4Api>>apiZmqMsgRecv: message socket: socket withFlags: flags
>>>     ^ self ffiCall: #(long zmq_msg_recv (ZmqApiMessage* message,
>>> ZmqApiSocket* socket, long flags ) )
>>> Calling this returns the 2's complement of the return value
>>> of the external function call. Is it expected that the code calling
>>> this do the decoding of the 2'complement representation of
>>> the return value?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Paulo

Pablo Tesone.

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