Well, good luck. But remember that the enemy of your enemy may not be your
friend and that no one cares more about your welfare than you do, no
matter how big a smile they have or how warm a speech they make about
democracy and free speech.
On Wed, 22 Jan 2014 18:06:12 -, Yuriy Tymchuk
On 25 janv. 2014, at 16:27, Thomas Worthington wrote:
> Well, good luck. But remember that the enemy of your enemy may not be your
> friend and that no one cares more about your welfare than you do, no matter
> how big a smile they have or how warm a speech they make about democracy and
> fre
My first thought was that Ukraine is famous for the beauty of its women (as
sang Ringo Starr "the Ukraine girls really knock me out") and I didn't dare
to write it here, for fear that the women on this list tackle me as sexist.
Then, I realized that there are maybe only men here, am I wrong (that's
this is irreverent, but you might consider visiting Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada or Yorkton Saskatchewan Canada or even Montreal, PQ ( at least there
had been a Ukrainian community in Rosemount there in my day ... with shop
signs in Cyrillic, blonde, blue-eyed female rock singers in local bands ...)