My first thought was that Ukraine is famous for the beauty of its women (as
sang Ringo Starr "the Ukraine girls really knock me out") and I didn't dare
to write it here, for fear that the women on this list tackle me as sexist.
Then, I realized that there are maybe only men here, am I wrong (that's my

Anyway, any time, any place when people are shot just because they want to
be free, there is something really wrong somewhere... It is sad that it can
happen on this planet nowadays, and it happens in several countries...

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 8:16 PM, Camille Teruel <>wrote:

> On 25 janv. 2014, at 16:27, Thomas Worthington <>
> wrote:
> > Well, good luck. But remember that the enemy of your enemy may not be
> your friend and that no one cares more about your welfare than you do, no
> matter how big a smile they have or how warm a speech they make about
> democracy and free speech.
> +1
> >
> > On Wed, 22 Jan 2014 18:06:12 -0000, Yuriy Tymchuk <>
> wrote:
> >
> >> My dear Pharo friends,
> >>
> >> I have no idea if you are aware, but now a big country named Ukraine is
> facing a very hard times. People are fighting for their rights while the
> current government tries to convert the country into Somalia - like regime.
> >>
> >> Why should you care? Because you will like Ukrainians. And referring to
> the context: we develop a lot. If you are not familiar:
> >>
> >> I don’t want to cry here, but me, Igor Stasenko and some other pharo
> developers are from Ukraine, and we are extremely worried about our Home. I
> just ask you to think about our country for a minute. Tell your friends:
> “You know, there is this nice country called Ukraine, where people are
> being shot just because they want to have a freedom of speech”. And if you
> believe in God, please say a short prayer for Ukraine, I trust that this is
> important.
> >>
> >> Sorry guys for taking your time, but I was touched by this pull request
> and just wanted to share what is happening around.
> >> Cheers!
> >> Uko
> >
> >
> > --
> > Thomas Worthington
> > Tech Nouveau
> >

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