On video translations for the MOOC (and other videos) I would recommend
Amara[1]. It enables collaborative translations and their web interface
is pretty friendly. In the mock up I made on [2], you can see how the
Amara embedded player enables subtitles for one of the MOOC videos, that
May I do a pass over the english subtitles for the MOOC?
With the limited space and reading time you get with subtitles,
I see some things I could fine-tune.
Of course.
A company did them and we were really happy because french :)
Now I wonder how we can make sure that we keep the modified fi
May I do a pass over the english subtitles for the MOOC?
With the limited space and reading time you get with subtitles,
I see some things I could fine-tune.
One query on content, from [1] it says there are "good comments"
when I'd guess it would say "poor comments" from there being no class comme