Thanks Alexandre. Your code lead me to the following, which solves the
| boxedLabels b labels |
b := RTTreeMapBuilder new.
labels := #('uno' 'dos' 'tres' 'cuatro' 'cinco').
boxedLabels := (RTLabelled new color: Color black; center).
boxedLabels text: [:index | labels
You can do something like that:
b := RTTreeMapBuilder new.
labels := #('uno' 'dos' 'tres' 'cuatro' 'cinco').
b shape fillColor: Color veryLightGray.
b from: (1 to: 5) using: [#()].
b weight: [:n | n].
b build.
b view elements @ (RTLabelled new color: Color black; center).
^ b view.
Almost there!
| b labels popup |
labels := #('uno' 'dos' 'tres' 'cuatro' 'cinco').
popup := RTPopup new.
popup text: [:object | labels at: object ].
b := RTTreeMapBuilder new.
b shape fillColor: Color random.
b from: (1 to: 5) using: [#()].
b weight: [:n |
Thanks Alexandre, even more being away of the computer... It kind of
works. Now the visualization shows the labels in the upper side of each
rectangle. Like this:
The idea is to put labels like "uno", "dos", "tres", "cuatro", "cinco"
on each rectagle instead of the numbers. Anyway we have en
I am not in front of my computer:
B view elements @ RTLabelled
I think it should do it
> Le 5 mars 2016 à 19:44, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> a écrit :
> Hi,
> We're in our local Open Data Day hackathon, creating a treemap to visualize
> public spending. We have cleaned th
We're in our local Open Data Day hackathon, creating a treemap to
visualize public spending. We have cleaned the dataset and made some
queries to zoom into the info we're interested in. So far, so good, but
now we would like to change the labels on a treemap. So consider this code: