Thanks Alexandre. Your code lead me to the following, which solves the
| boxedLabels b labels |
b := RTTreeMapBuilder new.
labels := #('uno' 'dos' 'tres' 'cuatro' 'cinco').
boxedLabels := (RTLabelled new color: Color black; center).
boxedLabels text: [:index | labels at: index ].
b shape fillColor: Color veryLightGray.
b from: (1 to: 5) using: [#()].
b weight: [:n | n].
b build.
b view elements @ boxedLabels.
^ b view.
On 06/03/16 13:58, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
You can do something like that:
b := RTTreeMapBuilder new.
labels := #('uno' 'dos' 'tres' 'cuatro' 'cinco').
b shape fillColor: Color veryLightGray.
b from: (1 to: 5) using: [#()].
b weight: [:n | n].
b build.
b view elements @ (RTLabelled new color: Color black; center).
^ b view.
Let me know how it goes!
On Mar 5, 2016, at 11:28 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
< <>> wrote:
Almost there!
| b labels popup |
labels := #('uno' 'dos' 'tres' 'cuatro' 'cinco').
popup := RTPopup new.
popup text: [:object | labels at: object ].
b := RTTreeMapBuilder new.
b shape fillColor: Color random.
b from: (1 to: 5) using: [#()].
b weight: [:n | n].
b build.
b view elements @ popup.
^ b view.
The strange thing is that 2nd and 3rd boxes don't get the
proper label, but everyone else does....
On 05/03/16 20:56, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
Thanks Alexandre, even more being away of the computer... It kind of
works. Now the visualization shows the labels in the upper side of
each rectangle. Like this:
<Mail Attachment.png>
The idea is to put labels like "uno", "dos", "tres",
"cuatro", "cinco" on each rectagle instead of the numbers. Anyway we
have ended our hackathon/workshop in the #DataWeek3
and #OpenDataDay for today. A really good balance and this third
edition is the best of all until now. Still there is a step learning
curve and "cultural shock" on Smalltalk, but agile visualization,
the Roassal environment, GT Tools, and Pharo are promising
and interesting for newcomers.
Cheers and thanks again,
On 05/03/16 20:42, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
B view elements @ RTLabelled
Alexandre Bergel