[Pharo-users] The ideal font for Pharo

2021-08-25 Thread tau
I've been bothered by the assignement operator (:=) and the way the colon and the equal sign aren't verticaly aligned when coding in Pharo. So I began a quest to find a pharo-friendly font were the colon and equal sign are aligned. Turn out most monospaced fonts don't qualify but I did find the

[Pharo-users] Is BuildingApplicationWithSpec2 project dead?

2021-08-03 Thread tau
Hi . I'm talking about the Spec2 book located at https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/BuildingApplicationWithSpec2 . This book was really helpful to get me started with building GUI . However, it is obviously incomplete and there is a message from a maintainer (Stéphane Ducasse) inside t

[Pharo-users] Re: Error in Pharo 9's Spec UI Framework Demo

2021-07-26 Thread tau
enter refresh ], the bug disappeared. De : Esteban Lorenzano Envoyé : 25 juillet 2021 02:28:51 À : Any question about pharo is welcome Cc : pharo-users@lists.pharo.org Objet : [Pharo-users] Re: Error in Pharo 9's Spec UI Framework Demo Hi Tau, The filte

[Pharo-users] Error in Pharo 9's Spec UI Framework Demo

2021-07-24 Thread tau
In the Spec2 examples included with Pharo9, in the example for SpListPresenter, when I try to input text in the list filter, I get an error: the debug window says: "Instance of OrderedCollection did not understand #hasElementAt:". The example works correctly in Pharo8. Is there a workaround to