I've been bothered by the assignement operator (:=) and the way the colon and the equal sign aren't verticaly aligned when coding in Pharo. So I began a quest to find a pharo-friendly font were the colon and equal sign are aligned. Turn out most monospaced fonts don't qualify but I did find the following fonts:
* Fira Code (https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/fira-code) has a := ligature that doesn't work in Pharo. * Iosevka extended (https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/iosevka-extended) also has a := ligature that doen't work in Pharo. * Mononoki (https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/mononoki) has the two characters properly aligned but I dislike the appareance of that font. The @, in particular, looks like it comes from a low-resolution terminal from the early '80s. * Fantasque Sans Mono (https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/fantasque-sans-mono) has perfectly aligned colon and equal sign and moreover has a nice informal look. So, Fantasque Sans Mono is now my favorite font for coding in Pharo 😃.