Re: [Pharo-users] How to generate "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" with Zinc client

2016-02-11 Thread chicoary
Sven, with the code you suggested add: aFilePath ^ZnClient new url: prefix , '/add?stream-channels=true'; addPart: ((ZnMimePart fieldName: 'file' fileNamed: aFilePath) headers contentType: ZnMimeType default); post. and invoking ipfs add:

Re: [Pharo-users] How to generate "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" with Zinc client

2016-02-10 Thread chicoary
I want to implement the ipfs add command in my project!/~chicoary/SmallIPFS/. - -- View this message in context:

[Pharo-users] How to generate "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" with Zinc client

2016-02-09 Thread chicoary
I thank in advance if anyone can help me. The code below: ZnClient new url: ''; addPart: (ZnMimePart fieldName: 'file' fileNamed: 'file.txt'); post. generates the following response using netcat: nc -l 5001 POST /a

Re: [Pharo-users] Fuel and Bloc: error on materializing

2015-11-22 Thread chicoary
I found that the materialized object did not have a reference to the Bloc space. With the line of code introduced below the error disappeared. | container materializedObject objectToSerlialize | container := BlMorph new withRectangleViewDo: [ :v | v extent: 200@200. v color: Color lightCyan ]. obj

[Pharo-users] Fuel and Bloc: error on materializing

2015-11-22 Thread chicoary
The code below works but it turns out the error "Message Not Understood: receiver of" noticeMouseOver "is nil" when the mouse passes over the morph. | container materializedObject objectToSerlialize | container := BlMorph new withRectangleViewDo: [ :v | v extent: 200@200. v color: Color lightCyan