The code below works but it turns out the error "Message Not Understood: receiver of" noticeMouseOver "is nil" when the mouse passes over the morph.
| container materializedObject objectToSerlialize | container := BlMorph new withRectangleViewDo: [ :v | v extent: 200@200. v color: Color lightCyan ]. objectToSerlialize := BlMorph new withRectangleViewDo: [ :v | v extent: 20@20. v color: Color blue]. container openInWorld. container addMorphCentered: objectToSerlialize. self confirm: 'Save?'. FLSerializer serialize: objectToSerlialize toFileNamed: 'demo.fuel'. self confirm: 'Delete?'. objectToSerlialize delete. self confirm: 'Restore?'. materializedObject := FLMaterializer materializeFromFileNamed: 'demo.fuel'. container addMorph: materializedObject The code can also be seen in ----- -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at