[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo-SQLite3: closing connections immediately and deleting the database file

2021-08-07 Thread Esteban Maringolo
I've been doing exactly that. It is, creating a new DB file for each test, and I was having the same problem as you. I suggested a change to the driver to cover that situation: https://github.com/pharo-rdbms/Pharo-SQLite3/pull/22/files Try applying that change and see if that works. I still pref

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo-SQLite3: closing connections immediately and deleting the database file

2021-08-07 Thread vinref
Hi Actually I will just do a bunch of DROP TABLE IF EXISTS instead of dropping the db altogether. Thanks, Vince

[Pharo-users] Re: Pharo-SQLite3: closing connections immediately and deleting the database file

2021-08-07 Thread vinref
Hi Looking at SQLite3Connection>>#close: "Let FFIExternalResourceManager take care." "dbHandle ifNotNil: \[ library close: dbHandle \]." dbHandle := nil. isOpen := false. The commented out lines means that SQLite3Library>>#apiClose is not called when calling SQLite3Co

[Pharo-users] Pharo-SQLite3: closing connections immediately and deleting the database file

2021-08-07 Thread vinref
Hi I like to develop my db schema as I develop the code - TDD-style. So I need to keep dropping the database each and every time I need to update the schema and rerun the code. The problem is that even though I close the connection using #ensure: the reference remains and I cannot delete the da

[Pharo-users] Re: Introducing new feature dataTypes for the PolyMath/DataFrame project

2021-08-07 Thread Konrad Hinsen
Hi Balaji, > Please go through the following blog post. Any kind of suggestion or > feedback is welcome. That's a nice description, easy to follow. But there is a missing piece: how do you actually find the dataType for a series of values? My first guess was that you are using the same method as