
I like to develop my db schema as I develop the code - TDD-style. So I need to 
keep dropping the database each and every time I need to update the schema and 
rerun the code. The problem is that even though I close the connection using 
#ensure: the reference remains and I cannot delete the database file 


        | fp |


        (fp := self dbFilePath asFileReference) exists

                ifTrue: [ fp delete ].



                self db beginTransaction.

                self writeSchema; writeData.

                self db commitTransaction ] ensure: [ self cleanUp ]

I even tried running this before everything else to no avail:

SQLite3Connection allInstancesDo: [ :each | each close ].

SmalltalkImage cleanUp.

SmalltalkImage current garbageCollect.

I keep getting a #CannotDeleteFileException because there is still a reference 
to the database file. If I do wait a seemingly random amount of time, the 
reference is cleared.

How can I get the VM to release the reference to the database file immediately?

Pharo 8/64-bit, Windows 10

Regards, Vince

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