Why do the parameters for the sequencer have to be
*process* variables? Why can't they be instance
variables of an object?
SequenceControl (mutex v1 v2 ...)
mutex := Mutex new.
v1 := default for v1.
v2 := default for v2.
v1: x
validate x all by i
thanks Sven and thanks Richard.
I already thought it was not a good idea to change a variable inside the
process as for OOP principles.
but I dint find any solution to do what I want to do, that is a tool for live
coding in which the process variables are values for a sequencer sendin OSC
How do you modify a variable in another process?
Yes, it is possible.
No, it's an amazingly bad idea in any programming language.
First, let us see a simple, obvious, and portable way to do
what you want. (It has one minor problem which I'll get to.)
shared := Array new: 1.
shared at: 1 p
You might learn something from the class/hierarchy ProcessSpecificVariable,
esp. the methods in the category 'process specific' in the Process class, e.g.
> On 2 Mar 2021, at 10:42, mspg...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello everybody, I am kind of new to Pharo so I apologi
Hello everybody, I am kind of new to Pharo so I apologise if my\
question is silly :)\
how can a change a variable in a process while the process is running?\
for example in:\
\[\[ | msg| msg := 'help me'. 100 timesRepeat: \[(Delay forSeconds: 0.5)\
wait. Transcript show: msg; cr\]\] fork.\
how d