
You might learn something from the class/hierarchy ProcessSpecificVariable, 
esp. the methods in the category 'process specific' in the Process class, e.g. 


> On 2 Mar 2021, at 10:42, mspg...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello everybody, I am kind of new to Pharo so I apologise if my
> question is silly :)
> how can a change a variable in a process while the process is running?
> for example in:
> [[ | msg| msg := 'help me'. 100 timesRepeat: [(Delay forSeconds: 0.5)
> wait. Transcript show: msg; cr]] fork.
> how do I change the value of msg while the process is running in order
> to modify what the Transcript is showing?
> is that possible?
> thanks.
> Domenico

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