have a look at the Spec book.
> On 29 Jun 2020, at 10:06, shawon58 wrote:
> Hello
> I am new for Gui so i don't have idea how to create a form and place a
> button. If i press than button than it will run(like i press do it for
> execute) a method what i have created.
> Thanks
Hyperspace, a couple of facilities on top of Zinc HTTP Components reached it's v2.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes
Pharo 6.1 is no longer supported.
Updated Buoy to v6
Non Breaking Changes
Use GitHub actions and CodeCov
Use the new comparison affordances on Buoy
The Buenos Aires Smalltalk
Buoy, a complement to Pharo reached it's v6.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes
Pharo 6.1 is no longer supported
ExclusiveLogicalOr and StandardComparator are no longer present. Replace them by using self equalityChecker and self equalityHashCombinator properly configured. For more information, check th
Launchpad, the entrypoint for your Pharo application reached it's v3.0.0 version.
Breaking Changes
Handlers must now subclass LaunchpadCommandLineHandler instead of ApplicationStarterCommandLineHandler
Pharo 6.1 is no longer supported
Non breaking changes
PR #7 Fix --suspend-ui flag when the im
--- Begin Message ---
I concur on the documentation problem.
I concur that there is plenty of documentation, but finding it is a chore.
I have two side projects I have started.
Doc at http://www.squeaksource.com/@FICALqrUmxQTIHgr/ul4_-exCAnd SeasideDoc
(which I started before Doc)
Dear all,
This thread is a bit old, but anyways: here are my two cents on the
question 'What are reasons not to use Smalltalk'. Thanks, Horrido, to
constantly promote these kind of discussions.
I think that your polls are mixing very different reasons - for
instance, we choose development to
I am new for Gui so i don't have idea how to create a form and place a
button. If i press than button than it will run(like i press do it for
execute) a method what i have created.
Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html